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McGarva | all galleries >> Annual Archives (7 Galleries) >> 2009 - A Year of images! > United Hands!
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04-APR-2009 McGarva

United Hands!

Norfolk, England

The marriage of Joanne Cooper and Geoffrey Begg
At All Saints Church, Chedgrave followed by Oaklands Hotel, Norwich
Saturday 4th April 2009

other sizes: small medium original auto
Wendy & Larry Burke02-Jul-2009 09:31
great capture , love it
Inga Morozoff31-May-2009 23:00
Happy little guy!
Bartosz Kotulski24-May-2009 10:39
fantastic capture. perfect timing and just amazing expression on his face.Bravo
Stewart Mitchell13-Apr-2009 19:59
Can't help but bring a smile to ones face, super candid!
LynnH12-Apr-2009 02:21
Wonderful! Bravo! Vote!
Dek Grant11-Apr-2009 22:24
very nice shot, lovely.
Nicki Thurgar10-Apr-2009 20:14
Wonderful capture!
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