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alfredo camba jr.12-Jan-2013 15:37
Thanks for sharing your wonderful images!! I like your style!
artist17-Oct-2012 10:57
Hi ... you are so creative .I like your works so much....I am an artist from Udaipur , India.i paint on canvas, paper etc .. I hope we can be good friends ....

what more can i say .. except keep-smiling ..
Vicky Lisowski 09-Mar-2012 05:49
Mashuga, I love love your Amish photos.!!
Algis Kemezys04-Jan-2012 12:44
Hello There Mashuga,

Love you to see my new work if you have the time or inclination. Cheers and HNY

teachpeace06-Jun-2011 05:39
I've borrowed a camera and started to learn. Thanks for the inspiration.
Guest 29-May-2010 11:42
I looking forward to doing exactly that (retire and enjoy photography) before the year ends.
Jonathan Gwinn 17-Oct-2009 15:06
Great portraits! The color balance is so right on. The expressions/affect of your subjects are unbelievable.. somehow you help your subjects feel comfortable in front of the lens.

Did you shoot in RAW mode??? I have the Konica Minolta which you use. I stopped using after "upgrading" to canon DSLR 5d & 350XT... You have inspired me to revisit using my point & shoot..I suppose a smaller less obtrusive camera can help with subjects feeling comfortable behind the lens?
Rob Knode 08-May-2008 11:37
I am currently working on a project in photography school in Columbus, OH. This project involves homeless photos. I prefer B/W but i also like your color photos. If you have any advise for me please let me know. My portfolio is not very large and the homeless photo ops in Columbus are not as easy as in NY. I usually pay them or buy them some food but I have a hard time getting their names even when they give me permission. Thanks
TwinkeCayke05-Mar-2008 05:18
These are by far the best portraits I have seen! Your photography of the homeless is absolute perfection! I have looked and looked at them and each time I find something more interesting. You capture life! I'm from a small farming community in Iowa and love photography. I don't know anything about taking pictures though. I'm am so glad I came across your site! I hope you continue with the homeless and keep posting them here so we can ALL enjoy them. Thank you!
Guest 16-Jun-2007 10:44
Keep moving forward. I can see that you have a lot of potential.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:22
I'm the man, but you're the master. Master of beautiful pictures...
Greg Burke25-Jan-2007 17:22
Gary, I came back for a longer look at your galleries and am amazed. your straightforward portraits of the homeless is probably the best out there on the subject. You can't view these images and not feel compassion for these less fortunate souls... keep up the good work.
Greg Burke25-Jan-2007 17:19
Gary, I came back for a longer look at your galleries and am amazed. your straightforward portraits of the homeless is probably the best out there on the subject. You can't view these images and not feel compassion for these less fortunate souls... keep up the good work.
Tina 06-Aug-2006 06:31
I have spent the last week or so feeling sorry for myself. Why? My husband's company is working him over 70 hours a week, he wants to quit his job, and we don't have a plan. I'm writing a fiction story about a brother and sister who become homeless in NYC. This story led me to google where I found you. It is 2:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. I looked through ever image in your fotolog and read every story. I'm pathetic. Here I am feeling sorry for myself when the truth is, I have it good. I got hungry while I was looking at your photos and I went to the fridge to grab a pudding cup. As I ate that pudding I felt like such an idiot. Compared to so many people, I am priveledged. I have no right to feel sorry for myself.

I also want to say that experiencing your photos and these stories has opened my eyes in another way. I grew up in Arkansas and moved to NY a year ago. Each time we go for a trip in the city I see the homeless people and I always wonder how they got there. The sad thing is that I fear them. I don't like them to walk too close to me. I don't like for them to look at me. How oblivious have I been to the fact that they are just like me?

Thank you. I know that my writing this story is not just coincidence. It has led me to your work and opened my eyes to the reality. Things outside my little box of a world could be worse.

By the way, the lady you saw who said "Romania" and you weren't sure if that was her name or her country...I saw her once on a trip in the city. She stood out to me for some reason and the moment I saw that photo I was almost certain it was her. She was standing in the middle of the sidewalk near the Empire State Building.

Once again, thank you for what you are doing. You will never know who you may be helping.
james2002 16-Jun-2006 19:22
You have a number of really great galleries, but I especially enjoyed the Amish. I think it's the best of its type on pBase. May I ask where these taken?
Phyllis 15-Apr-2006 03:25
Good design! | | | |
Lmavi 24-Feb-2006 04:35
Teeeeeeeee amooooooooooooooooo
ANO...NIMO 22-Feb-2006 20:35
esto entretiene a la gente q quiere conocer a bombillooo!!
COTUIFIS 22-Feb-2006 20:34
nos vamoa caer
SIN NOMBRE 22-Feb-2006 20:33
Soy la loca del paiiiiss
ISA MAMA 22-Feb-2006 20:32
juliana 22-Feb-2006 01:20
hola, quiero conocer a BOMBILLO
Wouter Boodts 17-Feb-2006 11:14
My brother Bart recommended your galleries and all I can say is, I'm glad he did. Beautiful work!
Mike Williams 10-Oct-2005 13:20
Thanks for the link, as you know, I'am a big fan! More great stuff here!
Bart Boodts Photography08-Oct-2005 05:16
I just visited your galleries of the homeless, I can't say I enjoyed it, but I defenitely remember the galleries, those pictures are very strong, they open some eyes.
Hubert Steed07-Sep-2005 12:01
I enjoyed viewing your galleries. I will try to come back to 'see' more when time permits. Thank you for sharing your views and photos.
Guest 04-Aug-2005 00:17
hey, you have got some great, great stuff...i love your 'homeless nyc' have a talented eye. peace, courtney
Michael G19-Jul-2005 16:42
You have some amazing work in your galleries.
Very thought provoking!
Guest 17-Jul-2005 12:35
they may be homeless but not nameless..sooooo well done! (I live an hr north of NYC it's like another world)
Peter Chou17-Jul-2005 04:18
Excellent gallery you have on the homeless people of NYC! You have an excellent sensitivity when you captured their images!
Stephen Hawkins 15-Jul-2005 03:31
Some very compelling images. I've recently spent a week in NYC and know what you've captured is the truth.

I have seen the homeless in my own hometown of Vancouver, BC which is also home to the poorest postal code in Canada. You've done a good job to engange both the subject and through that I'm engaged as the viewer.

Some photographers have a good eye, a sense of timing or are exceptional in the way they look at light. After a few years most are able to master the craft technically. From a brief look at your work I would say that you are a very talented storyteller.

Thanks for sharing your experience through photography.

Shelley O'Connell14-Jul-2005 23:56

The eyes are what you have caught conveying that no matter what the exterior, the humanity is there. Some of the people I work with, are or have been homeless or at times, go back to being homeless. I envy you your project.
kimberly borchardt14-Jul-2005 07:15
You do have a talent for capturing the essence of your subjects, a flair for composition. These truly are excellent portraits! You've done a wonderful job personalizing the generalization we call "the homeless". Good luck to you.
Wendy O12-Jul-2005 03:37
Your photos are amazing. You reveal something of the soul of the people you photograph, so many wonderful faces. I'll return often to your galleries. Thanks for posting these!