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Marisa Livet | profile | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> The itinerant story teller's desk tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The itinerant story teller's desk

I'd have liked to be a storyteller.
The type that went from place to place,
gathered people in the square
and transported them, inspired them,
woke them up, shook their insides around
so that they could resettle in a new pattern,
a new way of being.
It is a tradition that believes
that the story speaks to the soul,
not the ego... to the heart, not the head

But I have learnt that also little,
unpretentious every day stories
have a good reason to exist and to be told.
Maybe they will never change anybody's life;
they will not change the course of events either.
But they might entertain a few listeners
and to open a small window over a fancy landscape.
They might offer us, for a while, a different and slower rhythm of thoughts,
they can give us the precious chance to listen.
Very often, for me at least,
an image can tell its own story, even though by a silent language.
I'll try here to amplify a little the language of images.
I don't create anything, I listen to what things tell me and I pass that over.
This is the task of a storyteller, after all...