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Marisa Livet | profile | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Common people >> Life is the art of encounter tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Life is the art of encounter | “You never know how you look through other people's eyes.”

Life is the art of encounter

Cinzia again...
Cinzia again...
As meninas...
As meninas...
The Big Jump!
The Big Jump!
Daughter and mother...
Daughter and mother...
Walking with Dad
Walking with Dad
Emilio or the personification of righteousness
Emilio or the personification of righteousness
Brooding Emma....
Brooding Emma....
The tranquil force of gentle irony...
The tranquil force of gentle irony...
Valentina revisited
Valentina revisited
The chorus boys
The chorus boys
A winter bench is not necessarily a cold place
A winter bench is not necessarily a cold place
The sailor
The sailor
The Coach-woman
The Coach-woman
 The roasted chestnuts vendor
The roasted chestnuts vendor
They are the same age….
They are the same age….
A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.
Could you answer some questions for a survey, Madam?
Could you answer some questions for a survey, Madam?
Rasta meeting....
Rasta meeting....
Light Cavalry
Light Cavalry
Portrait of a merry vine-dresser
Portrait of a merry vine-dresser
Smart bench by the lake
Smart bench by the lake
Gentle bewitchery
Gentle bewitchery
The red scarf
The red scarf
Miss Eva S.
Miss Eva S.
The next move...
The next move...
Miss Emma T.
Miss Emma T.
Mutual indifference...
Mutual indifference...
The fountain
The fountain
Lost in the garden of Eden
Lost in the garden of Eden
Arrivals and departures....
Arrivals and departures....
Globe Trotter  & Dandy
Globe Trotter & Dandy
Road sweeper
Road sweeper
It's breakfast time...
It's breakfast time...
The waitress who is always kind.
The waitress who is always kind.
Georges in the sunlight of late summer
Georges in the sunlight of late summer
Couple of tourists
Couple of tourists
A laugh is a smile that bursts
A laugh is a smile that bursts
Sometimes and ice cream is not enough to solve a problem...
Sometimes and ice cream is not enough to solve a problem...
Like every morning...
Like every morning...
The supporters
The supporters
The shoe-shine gentleman
The shoe-shine gentleman
A row of orange children like tulips in a flowerbed
A row of orange children like tulips in a flowerbed
Sunset, sweet sunset .....
Sunset, sweet sunset .....
The burden of music
The burden of music
The Pirate Girl
The Pirate Girl
Waiting is a bit boring....
Waiting is a bit boring....