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Marisa Livet | profile | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> My lake Léman tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

My lake Léman

A passionate love affair between the lake and me

"Lakes are like imprisoned small oceans, but they can be very temperamental and unforeseeable."

Lake Léman (also known as Lake Geneva) is the second largest freshwater lake in Europe.
60% of it comes under the jurisdiction of Switzerland (cantons of Vaud, Geneva, and Valais),
and 40% under France (Haute-Savoie).

Sweet melancholy...
Sweet melancholy...
The lake doesn't know that it's Christmas...
The lake doesn't know that it's Christmas...
Sailing in winter...
Sailing in winter...
The giant and the lake... View of the Mount Blanc
The giant and the lake...
View of the Mount Blanc
A walk in the morning along my lake shore...
A walk in the morning along my lake shore...
A snow-less winter morning...
A snow-less winter morning...
Windy morning over the lake...
Windy morning over the lake...
Refreshing purity....
Refreshing purity....
Peace of mind, peace of heart...
Peace of mind, peace of heart...
My sleeping lake....
My sleeping lake....
Looking at my lake from distance...
Looking at my lake from distance...
Peaceful early morning by the lake...
Peaceful early morning by the lake...
All's well that ends well...
All's well that ends well...
Monsieur Cosandier and his personal young seagull
Monsieur Cosandier and his personal young seagull
The Bol d'Or from my window...(more)
The "Bol d'Or" from my window...(more)
The Bol d'Or from my window...
The "Bol d'Or" from my window...
Boats for rent....
Boats for rent....
In the still of sunrise, when tourists are still sleeping...
In the still of sunrise, when tourists are still sleeping...
The wild beauty of a rough lake...
The wild beauty of a rough lake...
The peace of the lake in the morning...
The peace of the lake in the morning...
Le Rhône....
Le Rhône....
Immediately after the thunderstorm...
Immediately after the thunderstorm...
Smoking lake
Smoking lake
From the hills in a summer day
From the hills in a summer day
A touch of wildness...
A touch of wildness...
And when the north wind blows....
And when the north wind blows....
The snow is coming from the French coast...
The snow is coming from the French coast...
Morning dance...
Morning dance...
Good morning, sunshine...
Good morning, sunshine...
Autumn lake....
Autumn lake....
Lead male dancer of the famous ballet “The duck lake”
Lead male dancer of the famous ballet “The duck lake”
The precious morning sun of late autumn...
The precious morning sun of late autumn...
The eternal beauty of a brand new morning...
The eternal beauty of a brand new morning...
The Mount Blanc looking down at the lake...
The Mount Blanc looking down at the lake...
The commuters' boat....
The commuters' boat....
Morning social gathering
Morning social gathering
In the quiet morning mist....
In the quiet morning mist....
Sweet melancholy of my lake
Sweet melancholy of my lake
Smoke signals from the lake...
Smoke signals from the lake...
Foggy lake in the early morning
Foggy lake in the early morning
Windy lake
Windy lake
Here comes the moon...
Here comes the moon...
Under the surface...
Under the surface...
Total blue...
Total blue...
A misty sunrise and the lake....
A misty sunrise and the lake....
Good morning, my dear lake!
Good morning, my dear lake!
It's raining rainbows...
It's raining rainbows...
When the wind is blowing...
When the wind is blowing...
Meeting at the end of the day....
Meeting at the end of the day....
Sunrise flight...
Sunrise flight...
Inhabitants of the lake
Inhabitants of the lake
The lake can smile also in winter....
The lake can smile also in winter....
When a lake feels  rough, it can be really very rough...
When a lake feels rough, it can be really very rough...
Alternative way to take a morning shower...
Alternative way to take a morning shower...
The impact...
The impact...
The lake in rough mood..
The lake in rough mood..
In the still of early morning...
In the still of early morning...
A quiet summer evening...
A quiet summer evening...
Paddle wheel boat at sunset....
Paddle wheel boat at sunset....
Two rainbows for one lake
Two rainbows for one lake
Looking at the French coast...
Looking at the French coast...
Perferct weather for a reagatta!
Perferct weather for a reagatta!
A room with a view....
A room with a view....
The lake shivers under the sunrise wind...
The lake shivers under the sunrise wind...
Morning encounters by the lake
Morning encounters by the lake
Peaceful little fleet...
Peaceful little fleet...
Cloudy sunrise over a quiet lake...
Cloudy sunrise over a quiet lake...
Out of the darkness...
Out of the darkness...
Vibrant lake...
Vibrant lake...
Good morning, lake!
Good morning, lake!
The rain is over....
The rain is over....
And the lake is waiting...
And the lake is waiting...
The lake is waking up....
The lake is waking up....
Sleepless boat
Sleepless boat
Moonlight Serenade for a lake
Moonlight Serenade for a lake
Still sunset
Still sunset
At the end of the day the lake might be a mirror...
At the end of the day the lake might be a mirror...
The island...
The island...
Spot the difference....
Spot the difference....
Devilish lake....
Devilish lake....
The lake wakes up after a good night sleep...
The lake wakes up after a good night sleep...
The dark face of the lake....
The dark face of the lake....
When a lake speaks to the moon....
When a lake speaks to the moon....
The end of a stormy day...
The end of a stormy day...
The brand new Alinghi 5 is sailing to Geneva...
The brand new "Alinghi 5" is sailing to Geneva...
Sailing toward the storm....
Sailing toward the storm....
When it's nearly night....
When it's nearly night....
Something like a beginning of Spring....
Something like a beginning of Spring....
Snowy lake....
Snowy lake....
Daydreaming lake...
Daydreaming lake...
Whimsical weather
Whimsical weather
Winter lake's meditation....
Winter lake's meditation....
Shivering lake...
Shivering lake...
Moon lullaby
Moon lullaby
Deep Blue Blues
Deep Blue Blues
All in blue...
All in blue...
The peaceful face of the lake
The peaceful face of the lake
The Fisherman
The Fisherman
Too late for the boat....
Too late for the boat....
Here come the sun...
Here come the sun...
The lake is very crowded this evening...
The lake is very crowded this evening...
Fly away, you, fish eaters!
Fly away, you, fish eaters!
The same and always different...
The same and always different...
The golden shiver of a morning flight
The golden shiver of a morning flight
Lake inhabitants
Lake inhabitants
Lacustrine forest at dawn
Lacustrine forest at dawn
Ocean is a dream which sometimes seems true...
Ocean is a dream which sometimes seems true...
The salvage boat is yellow...
The salvage boat is yellow...
Unemployed because of bad weather...
Unemployed because of bad weather...
Maybe sometimes ducks would like taking a pedalo ride...
Maybe sometimes ducks would like taking a pedalo ride...
When the lake wears only the moonlight to seduce the mountains...
When the lake wears only the moonlight to seduce the mountains...
The vain coot likes being mirrored...
The vain coot likes being mirrored...
Winter flight
Winter flight
A tango between lake and clouds
A tango between lake and clouds
Lake Carillon
Lake Carillon
In the still of the dawn
In the still of the dawn
Does the lake sleep at night?
Does the lake sleep at night?
It will be a nice day...
It will be a nice day...
Moody lake
Moody lake
A leaden and moody lake after the storm
A leaden and moody lake after the storm
What do boats dream of ?
What do boats dream of ?
The golden fingers of dawn
The golden fingers of dawn
And when the northern wind blows....
And when the northern wind blows....
Back to the port
Back to the port
A symbolic small island...
A symbolic small island...
g6/82/62182/3/75655503.wppNQVam.jpg Just another sunset and the lake is there.
Just another sunset and the lake is there.
g6/82/62182/3/71698108.hqYXK0hN.jpg g6/82/62182/3/69530847.euFIbScI.jpg g4/82/62182/3/61910451.njhKXseK.jpg g3/82/62182/3/58092214.morning019.jpg After the rain
After the rain
Prangins port
Prangins port
Late afternoon  lake
Late afternoon lake
The Mount Blanc
The Mount Blanc
Good bye ducks!
Good bye ducks!
When the lake is snowy...
When the lake is snowy...
When the lake is dreamy...
When the lake is dreamy...
When the lake is windy...
When the lake is windy...
Deep inside
Deep inside
Hello, lake!
Hello, lake!
When the lake is very angry
When the lake is very angry
The spray of waves
The spray of waves
Oh...very angry!
Oh...very angry!
When the lake is hidden...
When the lake is hidden...
Lake personal rainbow
Lake personal rainbow
The last boat at sunset
The last boat at sunset
The best fisherman of the lake
The best fisherman of the lake
End of a Summer storm
End of a Summer storm
The lonely boat
The lonely boat
The boats parade from my window...
The boats parade from my window...