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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Individualism > How silent is a forest in the fog....
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10-OCT-2010 Marisa

How silent is a forest in the fog....

Jura Mountains - Vaud (Switzerland)

This photo is part of a gallery dedicated to fog,
which can have a personal, special melancholy charm.
If you are not too afraid to walk in the mist...
click on the butterfly

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Canon Powershot G11
1/80s f/3.5 at 13.8mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
waterfalls man01-Feb-2015 12:09
Great Shot V!1
Andrys Basten27-Jan-2013 21:43
Silently feeling the sun's light and warmth breaking through. Beautiful colors.
Robert Ballard27-Jan-2013 20:34
What a fantastic scene, and it's so well captured.
John Barreiro22-Jan-2013 18:21
I saw this in the Seasons competition. Fine image! V
samikosemi18-Jan-2013 11:02
great picture
Long Bach Nguyen30-Nov-2011 19:43
fotabug23-Nov-2011 19:08
So inviting
Guest 16-Nov-2011 19:19
Just love this - GREAT
markbow 09-Nov-2011 17:33
absolutely stunning pic, thanks!
Monte Dodge08-Nov-2011 00:42
Sunny 24-Oct-2010 05:11
Guest 21-Oct-2010 00:23
Wow! Love this image. Beautiful and inviting... V
Chad Ramsey20-Oct-2010 04:09
So beautiful! What a gorgeous view!
G.Pietro Munaretto19-Oct-2010 16:50
very beautiful !!!!
Marielou Dhumez19-Oct-2010 10:53
Quelle splendeur !
Michaval19-Oct-2010 06:51
Magníficos tonos otoñales!
Don Mottershead19-Oct-2010 02:08
So beautiful. Thanks Marisa. ~V~
lou_rozensteins19-Oct-2010 01:45
Beautiful work. Very well done.
Graeme18-Oct-2010 21:43
This is a very enchanting forest with all the besutiful colours of autumn. A magical place with the hanging mist. it may have come straight from a childs storybook. Superb, Marisa.BV
PauloCGama18-Oct-2010 21:05
Yes, silence can be felt and heard. :)
Magical image, Marisa, straight from a fairy tale.
Jan Frode Aase18-Oct-2010 20:00
The beauty of an October nature silence, the softness and colours.
A beautiful piece of work, a great composition. V
Máire Uí Mhaicín18-Oct-2010 19:08
A very beguiling and inviting forest image.
Ann...18-Oct-2010 19:07
Johnny JAG18-Oct-2010 19:00
I love the composition, the colours and the misty mood. Perfectly done.
Carol How18-Oct-2010 18:50
Excellent perspective and tonal range ~ your processing works in perfect harmony!
Peter Sussex18-Oct-2010 18:40
Not only the forest. I became speechless as well:) The presence of atmosphere is so strong here. My compliments Marisa!