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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Individualism > "El Tango es un pensamiento triste que hasta se puede bailar"
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"El Tango es un pensamiento triste que hasta se puede bailar"

"El infinito tango me lleva hacia todo".
(the infinite tango takes me towards everything)

~Jorge Luis Borges~

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Canon EOS 350D
1/30s f/4.0 at 17.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
irislynx11-Oct-2019 03:48
Great Image!! looks like it leads to somewhere/has history! I Really like it a lot, Good job with this!
Markus Grompe31-Jul-2018 15:15
great staging!!!
carol j. phipps30-Jul-2018 01:42
Such a dynamic composition with the stairs leading upward; the musical instrument, the book, the dress, and photograph. Great color and texture. Wonderful quote! Vote
Yiannis Pavlis23-Sep-2017 02:50
Love this one
Allan Jay02-Jan-2015 02:25
Speechless! Wow...what a composition.
Roberto Bellucci30-Jul-2011 16:29
Really wel composed! Great details balanced with an open imagination on how the story went. V
larose forest photos07-Jan-2011 19:19
This looks like an ending. The last tango! But perhaps not in Paris. A compelling and moody image. V
Linda01-Sep-2010 02:17
The romance suggested in this image is appealing ... the perspective compelling...
Peter Sussex15-Aug-2010 18:58
It is a shame that I can not speak Spanish, the setup and the mood are captivating and as soon as someone translate it I'll realize the meaning of that. BV
Steve Mockford15-Aug-2010 18:54
An absolutely delightful image Marisa. The setup, and the stage you have selected for it, are exquisite. ~V~