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Marisa Livet | profile | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Switzerland is .... >> Bern - A small Capital City for a Small Country tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bern - A small Capital City for a Small Country

“It is the most beautiful that we have ever seen,” wrote Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in a letter to his friend Charlotte von Stein during his stay in Bern in 1779.

Maybe Goethe exaggerated just a little, probably because he had not visited the whole world… But it's a matter of fact that our small Capital city has a special charm.
I have been there many, many times. It's less than two hours by train from my home. Distances are so small in my small country. But for reasons I cannot identify rationally, I had never dedicated a whole photographic gallery to Bern.

I'm trying to do it now, posting here some photos which don't show necessarily all the most popular monuments and touristic spots. My intention is to offer my own point of view about the town and convey by images a little of its spirit.
A look over the roof tops of Old Town... Just strolling around.... The Town Hall windows... If I only could  delete the delivery vans...;^) A bell tower behind the trees...
This brave soldier will protect us... Taking pictures of old churches... I'm fond of this river.... The green Aar... Someone is thinking over about the meaning of marriage...
The clock of the Town Hall... A cup of coffee in front of the Town Hall... The haughty cat of Cathedral terrace... Oasis of greenery in the heart of the town... Ah, yes...I must not forget the cathedral...
I think Professor Einstein would have liked to drive this vehicle... How many things this fountain has surely seen during the centuries... A classic view... The green,clear Aar.... A puzzling fountain...
Autumn is not too far... A  pleasant conversation downtown... The Dome... Playing in Parliament Square... Love in National Costume...
Swiss Traditional Costumes A brave and amused little girl...  The House of Parliament Nothing to do with a postcard view....