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Douglas Houck | profile | all galleries >> europe >> airplane_view tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

along with sightseeing on the ground, its facinating what can be seen from an airplane window.
It can be very difficult to impossible to get a decent image from an airplane window, depending on
how clean and unscratched it is and where you are sitting in relation to the engine (front of is best).
The following are a compendium of all sorts of images seen during the vacation.
From the first to the last image taken during this vacation. 1,269 in all.
IMGP8607:  Sunrise over Greenland (first_image)
IMGP8607: Sunrise over Greenland (first_image)
Morning over Greenland
Morning over Greenland
Côte d'Azur
Côte d'Azur
Clouds over France
Clouds over France
Clouds over France
Clouds over France
Clouds over France
Clouds over France
Clouds over Scotland
Clouds over Scotland
packed flight
packed flight
Heathrow  Airport -- Terminal 5
Heathrow Airport -- Terminal 5
night flight lights
night flight lights
night flight lights_02
night flight lights_02
St. Pancras International Train Station
St. Pancras International Train Station
The London Eye
The London Eye
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace
Earls Court Exhibition Centre
Earls Court Exhibition Centre
Wimbley Stadium
Wimbley Stadium
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: (Temperate House)
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: (Temperate House)
Cavalry Barracks, Hounslow
Cavalry Barracks, Hounslow
IMGP9876: Heathrow Airport (last_image)
IMGP9876: Heathrow Airport (last_image)