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Manuel Libres Librodo Jr. | all galleries >> PILIPINAS (8 Sub Galleries) >> DAVAO, Philippines > friends 2
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friends 2

Nikon D2x
1/750s f/2.8 at 55.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
maru13-Apr-2009 21:44
this is so perfect!!!
Gurmeet 06-Feb-2008 21:28
They need to go to the Dentist..... lol
Guest 07-Sep-2007 05:28
Stunning shot! Love the expression! v
Guest 06-Sep-2007 00:03
This photo put smile on my face. V.
Richard Calmes02-Sep-2007 12:43
This is a fabulous shot! V
Brian Baker01-Sep-2007 16:53
Wonderful! great capture full of character and enjoyment.
Lim AK 01-Sep-2007 13:26
Just amazing. How did you manage to capture this priceless moment?
James Clarke01-Sep-2007 10:52
Wonderful expression of happiness. Big Vote
Guest 30-Aug-2007 17:52
Wonderful portrait. Can't help but smile. Voted
Tom Briggs30-Aug-2007 15:18
Well done ... looks like an old couple sharing a priceless moment. It's also a good advertisement for dental hygiene. Voted
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