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Happy Halloween.

Having found some images on my hard drive which I'd taken of the Halloween decorations at a local bar and restaurant, I went back there today. This time the day was overcast and windy, perfect for witches and ghouls. Halloween has its origins in the old Celtic festival of Samhain and it was Irish emigrants who brought the tradition of carving jack-o-lanterns to America where they must have found pumpkins much easier to carve than the turnips they had used at home. Going to watch a good scary movie now 'Let Me In' - saw the original Swedish version so hope this is equally good.
Added some more images to my Halloween gallery:

Nikon D7000
1/1000s f/5.3 at 70.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Walter Otto Koenig01-Nov-2011 18:48
Nice and creepy, what a moody shot. "V"
laine01-Nov-2011 18:31
I'm happy it's morning or I'd never sleep :)
globalgadabout01-Nov-2011 13:58
a real house of horrors that...interesting info...hollowing out a turnip would have been a real challenge...V
Neal Nye01-Nov-2011 11:09
The scariest one of all!
Colin Storey01-Nov-2011 10:22
Very scary halloween image, glad I am looking at it the day after. v
Guest 01-Nov-2011 04:24
Scary! ~V
Raymond Ma01-Nov-2011 02:28
Ooooo....a chill up my spine. Nightmare for me tonight I hope.
Ha ha ha ha....V
pkocinski31-Oct-2011 22:41
Great shot! I don't watch much TV around Halloween because I hate those scary movies :-)
lou_rozensteins31-Oct-2011 22:22
Pretty horrific. People really get into halloween ...... we hardly even think about it here! Maybe Irish convicts weren't allowed to celebrate their traditions.
Stephanie31-Oct-2011 21:45
Fabulous and scary!!! BV
Noël31-Oct-2011 21:26
Blandine Mangin31-Oct-2011 21:24
beautiful mood ! v
Phillip Normanton31-Oct-2011 21:22
Was that the old 'head chef'?? :o)
Stewart Mitchell31-Oct-2011 20:51
Whooooooh, scary!!!
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