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As Time Goes By

Dandelions are the perfect reminder of the passage of time.
Less than a week ago this was a beautiful yellow flower, admittedly
growing where it shouldn't. This afternoon, the clock was
catching the rays of the sun - an hour later the delicate seeds
had been dispersed by the wind.

Nikon D90
1/1600s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
LynnH22-May-2010 02:59
Beautiful capture. I can see it is about to explode! V
Alan K17-May-2010 21:11
I like the amount of sharpness here and, as others have mentioned, the dark background works very well.
Patricia Kay17-May-2010 19:18
Beautiful shot of the seedhead Mairead...weed or not i love this sunny dandelion from the bud to the seeds...BV
Guest 17-May-2010 14:50
Lovely capture!
Neal Nye17-May-2010 11:24
Ha! It's always fun to see someone choose the same subject matter for the day. Beautiful shot with that bright green!
Guest 17-May-2010 06:23
Lovely! V
lou_rozensteins17-May-2010 06:11
Beautiful! It's rather a miracle how their seeds are spread (even if we don't particularly want them). Well done.
Kevin Chester17-May-2010 05:16
Dispersed all over my lawn. Grrrrr. Lovely shot though
Walter Otto Koenig17-May-2010 00:07
And the cycle of life begins anew. A beautiful capture.
bill friedlander16-May-2010 23:28
Beautiful light on this matrix of patterns. The details are great and looks good against the dark background. V
Doug Cruden16-May-2010 22:09
This is lovely, Mairead - you've caught the light perfectly on this..beautiful contrast with the darker background
pkocinski16-May-2010 21:50
Wonderful image!
Stephanie16-May-2010 21:50
Wonderful capture of this dandelion! Bravo for the dark background! BV
tinkerb16-May-2010 21:44
A moment in time well caught - but it is still a weed! Mind the leaves are good in salad before they get too old.
Keith O'Brien16-May-2010 21:33
Very nice, excellent detail and lighting. V
Pat Shawyer16-May-2010 21:08
Very pretty !
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