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The Grinning Cats' Book Club

Welcome to our virtual Book Club!

The Grinning Cats hope sincerely that you’ll find here some suggestions for an enjoyable reading experience and a cosy place to exchange impressions about our favourite books

It is not our intention to propose novelties in the world of books; this space is not intended to be a review facility for recently published works.

We simply intend to share with you our liking for some books; some of which might be well known classics, or books published a few years ago, or indeed in some cases they might also be brand new books, but there is not any strict criterion of presentation.

We’ll try to express what might motivate us to appreciate or dislike a specific book and we are open to all your remarks and opinions.

Whenever it’s possible we try to read a book in its original language, but this may be an option which is not always available or possible for one reason or another, unfortunately.
In that case we will try to arrive at the author’s thoughts, intentions and emotions through what we hope to be a good and faithful translation.

All the books we intend to consider are real books made of real paper, even though some may be a little worn out occasionally, and which find their home in one of the two Grinning Cats’ bookcases.
We are committed to stating that the books will have been carefully read until the last line ( if not, we’ll indicate the reasons for our dislike and disappointment).

“Books are lighthouses erected in the great sea of time”

“You know you've read a good book
when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.”

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The Grinning Cats' Book Club has two locations:
here where you are right now, you can read the reviews of Grinning Cat 1.
Then, if you click

you'll be redirected to Grinning Cat 2's virtual home
and read another view on the same books.