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Mike Reshitnyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fun With Ducks and Birds ----------------------- Ravissement avec les canards et les oiseaux -------- > Can You Count All Of My Feathers Now?! - Blue Jay
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Can You Count All Of My Feathers Now?! - Blue Jay

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Guest 27-Sep-2007 19:32
"Can I count all your feathers?" Yes, I can!
Beautiful jay, beautiful image.
Manas Khan16-Sep-2007 22:57
Beautiful capture! Vote.
oeil_de_focus16-Sep-2007 16:49
Tout simplement magnifique. Vote!
Herb 16-Sep-2007 13:00
Nice shot
Guest 16-Sep-2007 12:47
Perfect timing and execution!
Jola Dziubinska16-Sep-2007 12:26
Yes, fantastic!
Marielou Dhumez16-Sep-2007 11:35
Splendid capture !