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Monte Dodge | all galleries >> Galleries >> The " 700 Club", ( 700 Or More Hits, Your Favorites) > Morning Light On Golden Larch And Colchuck Mountain
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07-OCT-2006 Monte Dodge

Morning Light On Golden Larch And Colchuck Mountain

Enchantment Lakes Wash. Cascades

Light hits near Colchuck Pass ( 7900') after 2,400 climb from Colchuck lake

Canon PowerShot A710IS
1/25s f/8.0 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Marcia Rules13-Sep-2008 14:45
V! excellent layering---leads the eye right in!
Mindy McNaugher18-May-2008 06:00
Magnificent light and colors! Stunning shot Monte! Vote!
Dave Beedon25-Apr-2007 03:43
Fabulous picture!
Karen Moen15-Oct-2006 18:55
The lighting and color are incredible on a diagonal slope. Excellent composition. Wow! Voted.
Jola Dziubinska09-Oct-2006 09:22
Gorgeous!! GMV.
Jen Bixler09-Oct-2006 07:45