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M Hauss | all galleries >> Yer Favourites >> > 300 Hits > Warthog at the pool, Windhoek (Namibia) (2nd)
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Warthog at the pool, Windhoek (Namibia) (2nd)

This picture received a honorable mention at the 172nd Show & Tell Competition ("Out of Place") and won second place at the 200th Show & Tell Competition ("Laugh out Loud").

Canon EOS 40D
1/400s f/10.0 at 70.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Sandi Whitteker21-Jun-2011 23:19
Now that's the life, but for a warthog? Don't wake him up, guys. You'll be sorry.
Daniel 13-Sep-2010 18:59
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