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LynnH | profile | all galleries >> MY HOME TOWN ~ SUGAR LAND >> PINK Dragon Boating ~ BCS Teams tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

PINK Dragon Boating ~ BCS Teams

6th Annual Gulf Coast International Dragon Boat Regatta Saturday & Sunday, October 17 & 18, 2009 Brooks Lake @ Fluor in Sugar Land, Texas
This year Texas Dragon Boat Association's focus was on Breast Cancer Survivors and trying to lure as many BCS teams to Houston to compete as possible.
Held on the calm waters of Brooks Lake at Fluor Corp. in Sugar Land, they had divisions for amateur and experienced teams
of men's, women's, mixed, BCS and junior crews. For info on Texas Dragon Boating
Houston's Breast Cancer Survivor Dragon Boat Team - PINK PHUREE

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you never walk alone, you never walk alone. (Pink Floyd - Fearless)

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