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LynnH | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> GALVESTON ISLAND, TX ~ GALLERIES tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Since 1528, Galveston has reinvented itself repeatedly. It has flown five flags and was briefly a national capital.

A barrier island on the Texas Gulf Coast in the United States, Galveston is about 50 miles (80.5 km) southeast of Houston.
It is home to a variety of popular attractions, from landmarks and historic buildings to modern wonders and scenic natural areas.
Taken together, these attractions make Galveston one of the most popular tourist destinations in Texas.
 Galveston Island Architecture
Galveston Island Architecture
The Elissa and the Ecstasy
The Elissa and the Ecstasy
Gallery - On the Water
Gallery - On the Water
Island Life ~ Galveston
Island Life ~ Galveston
Gallery - Galveston Island - Unconstructed
Gallery - Galveston Island - Unconstructed
Bolivar Area After Hurrican Ike
Bolivar Area After Hurrican Ike
Galveston Tree Sculptures
Galveston Tree Sculptures
Historic Cemetery District
Historic Cemetery District