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Lynda S. | profile | all galleries >> Africa 2006 >> Tarangire National Park to Ngorongoro Crater, June 2, 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tarangire National Park to Ngorongoro Crater, June 2, 2006

We were up and out fairly early this morning on our game run, and as evidenced by our pictures - we saw lots! After a wonderful lunch that was served out by the pool, we headed out of Tarangire National Park, past Lake Manyara, through the town of Mto Wa Mbu (Mosquito Creek), arriving at Loduare Gate around 4 pm. Heading north east along the rather bumpy, uneven Crater Rim Road, we came across a young male, and a young female lion by the side of the road. Bernard told us they were 'honeymooners', that they had probably wandered up from the crater to be 'alone'. It was a pretty exciting experience! We arrived at Ngorongoro Sopa Lodge just about at sunset.
Pintail whydah - after mating this guy's tail will fall off (no kidding!)
Pintail whydah - after mating this guy's tail will fall off (no kidding!)
Black-faced monkey
Black-faced monkey
African fish eagle
African fish eagle
Defassa waterbuck
Defassa waterbuck
Helmuted guinea fowl
Helmuted guinea fowl
The outside of the 'outhouse', see next picture...
The outside of the 'outhouse', see next picture...
The inside was as nice as our lodge bathroom!
The inside was as nice as our lodge bathroom!
An almost dry Tarangire River
An almost dry Tarangire River
Maribu stork
Maribu stork
Impala, male
Impala, male
Rock hyrax, closest relative to the elephant
Rock hyrax, closest relative to the elephant
Impea plant along the road
Impea plant along the road
Lions 'lyin around'
Lions 'lyin around'
Lucrece & Roberta watching the lion
Lucrece & Roberta watching the lion
Baboon coffee clatch
Baboon coffee clatch
Teaching the little ones to climb
Teaching the little ones to climb
Oops, too crowded up there!
Oops, too crowded up there!
A baboon just relaxing
A baboon just relaxing
Impala, male
Impala, male
Banded mongoose
Banded mongoose
Jim's hat blew off, and being a Tilley....
Jim's hat blew off, and being a Tilley....
It was highly rescuable!
It was highly rescuable!
Pool at the Tarangire Sopa Lodge
Pool at the Tarangire Sopa Lodge
Lunchtime staple - a really good local beer
Lunchtime staple - a really good local beer
Red headed agama lizard
Red headed agama lizard
Large baobob tree with a hole in it - Leaving Tarangire National Park
Large baobob tree with a hole in it - Leaving Tarangire National Park
Roadside stands in Mto Wa Mbu
Roadside stands in Mto Wa Mbu
The Rift Valley, Lake Manyara is in the distance
The Rift Valley, Lake Manyara is in the distance
Local Maasai and Iraqw in Karatu.
Local Maasai and Iraqw in Karatu.
We tried very hard to give this little one some pencils, but his bigger friends kept taking them!
We tried very hard to give this little one some pencils, but his bigger friends kept taking them!
Baboons at the Ngorongoro Conservation Area entrance gate (Loduare Gate)
Baboons at the Ngorongoro Conservation Area entrance gate (Loduare Gate)
This was a small visitors center, not much info, but some.
This was a small visitors center, not much info, but some.
View of the crater below from a lookout point
View of the crater below from a lookout point
These guys were probably 'honeymooners'
These guys were probably 'honeymooners'
Two honeymooners on the rim I'm just going to check these people out, dear
Two honeymooners on the rim "I'm just going to check these people out, dear"
No, wait, dear - I'll go!
"No, wait, dear - I'll go!"
Why did he cross the road?
Why did he cross the road?
To get a better peek at us !
To get a better peek at us !
Fabulous sunset over the crater
Fabulous sunset over the crater