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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> most__popular__black__and__white__seductions >
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Guest 30-Nov-2006 09:29
I know why you had to have these photos taken. You will give a lot of pleasure in shots like this
Guest 08-Jun-2006 18:15
What can you say apart from wow
Shun 04-Jan-2006 21:38
Man what a pair of rock hard tits
Guest 17-Nov-2005 12:00
Kenneth Zimmerman04-May-2004 19:05
That's a nice pair...
Guest 22-Oct-2002 14:57
tits ...
a man births and he takes life from tits.
he growns up... and he loves and touchs tits.
when he is old i suppose dreams tits
oh beloved tits what sad world without you !

thank for sharing this pic.
frankallen25-Apr-2002 13:32
Outstanding Image!!
Guest 03-Mar-2002 21:33
that's a nice one.
