Here is a 70mm text shootout between the 24-70EX from fStopJojo, my original 24-70EX after "adjustment of 2nd element" in Japan, and my extremely sharp 70-200/2.8L. All squares are 100% crops of completely unprocessed images (of Feininger's excellent book _Total Photography_ propped up at a 60-degree angle and turned to the very well-written page 21, where he sings praises to lens testing ;) ) taken straight from my 20D in Best JPEG mode, Parameter 2, taken indoors under incandescent lighting using AWB, Manual mode (with identical shutter speed and aperture combinations used between the 3 lenses), ISO 200, on tripod, MLU & 2-sec timer, AF'ed for wide-open shot and then kept the same focus for all shots with that lens, shot several runs and picked the best run and runs that had the same exact focus point for all 3 lenses.