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Stu | all galleries >> Daily Bowl of Stu >> May 2004 > 28. Today I must work
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Dundee Stu

28. Today I must work

18 May 2004

To earn the money to fund this hobby. Well, PhotoShop, cameras and computers don't grow on trees, and this hobby doesn't pay the bills :-(

other sizes: small medium original auto
northstar3718-May-2004 19:57
work is a four letter word!
Robin Reid18-May-2004 15:20
Gee, if you got a night job you could buy even more photographic equipment.
Zak18-May-2004 14:56
nice shot! heheh
Herb 18-May-2004 13:32
Oh well, such is life.
Guest 18-May-2004 13:31
that would've been nice! have a tree that grows PC on it, or a bush full of Photoshop plug-ins.... lol
Guest 18-May-2004 12:17
Looks like an unusual line of work. And I know what you mean about the stuff we suddenly find we "need". :)
Larry Ahern18-May-2004 11:23
That looks like a very old book there on the table ... Yeah working is an all too necessary side effect of wanting to do stuff ...