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Luko G.-R. | profile | all galleries >> Below surface : underwater photography >> Portraits of the usual suspects tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Portraits of the usual suspects

Portraits of the reef dwellers.
Night vision
Night vision
Red Daeng
Red Daeng
Yellow hawksbill fish
Yellow hawksbill fish
Dotted moray
Dotted moray
Porcelain crab in Phuket anemones
Porcelain crab in Phuket anemones
Butterflyfish threesome
Butterflyfish threesome
Inquisitive big lips
Inquisitive big lips
Harlequin Ghostpipefish
Harlequin Ghostpipefish
Red Trumpet
Red Trumpet
Moody leaf fish
Moody leaf fish
Phuket baby lionfish
Phuket baby lionfish
Twin smile
Twin smile
Sitting on a coral
Sitting on a coral
Ghostpipefish & starfish
Ghostpipefish & starfish
Come closer
Come closer
UW Leopard
UW Leopard
Spots and stripes
Spots and stripes
Teenie weenie
Teenie weenie
Meet Toby
Meet Toby
Pink and dangerous
Pink and dangerous
UW dentist
UW dentist
Arrow Crab
Arrow Crab
The boss
The boss
Red Grouper
Red Grouper