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Laurence Matson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sigma SD9 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sigma SD9

Images taken with the Sigma SD9. I do most of my photography in the immediate vicinity of my home. The dogs and people I have been shooting for the last five years are most often found there. In the course of my travels on behalf of Sigma and Foveon, I have visited some spectacular places in Europe, Asia, and North America.

My lens collection has expanded over time. In most cases, I try to list the lens used in an image. If it is missing and important for you, send me an e-mail with the link to the image.

For more images taken with the Sigma SD9, SD10 and SD14 based on Foveon® X3™ technology, visit the Sigma Digital Camera Users' Gallery.
Buildings and Houses
[ Buildings and Houses ]
Animals SD9
[ Animals SD9 ]
Landscapes SD9
[ Landscapes SD9 ]
[ Nightshots ]
People SD9
[ People SD9 ]
[ Close-ups ]
[ Abstracts ]
[ Panoramas ]
Black and White and Almost
[ Black and White and Almost ]
Outings and Escapes
[ Outings and Escapes ]
St.Gallen SD9
[ St.Gallen SD9 ]
France • Spain • Andorra
[ France • Spain • Andorra ]
[ Normandy ]
[ Miscellaneous ]