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Corsica - or Georges's Light

Georges Noblet told me Corsica was all about the light. He was right.

A trip to Corsica with my brother David to look for rare birds. A complete, untriaged set of the bird images is available here.
The view from Castagnetu
The view from Castagnetu
The Tour d'Agnello and sunbathers
The Tour d'Agnello and sunbathers
Before Barcaggio
Before Barcaggio
At Granaggiolo
At Granaggiolo
Hamlet near Granaggiolo
Hamlet near Granaggiolo
Northern coastline
Northern coastline
Hey, I'm talking to you!
Hey, I'm talking to you!
Corsican Traffic Jam
Corsican Traffic Jam
Hamlet near Capo Grosso
Hamlet near Capo Grosso
Col de la Serra
Col de la Serra
Moulin Mattei
Moulin Mattei
Centuri-Port and Île de Centuri
Centuri-Port and Île de Centuri
Golfe d'Aliso
Golfe d'Aliso
Along the Luri River
Along the Luri River
Capu a u Perdatu
Capu a u Perdatu
Gorges de l'Asco
Gorges de l'Asco
Blue bird
Blue bird
Monochrome Tree
Monochrome Tree
Moving Rocks
Moving Rocks
Gorges de l'Asco
Gorges de l'Asco
Town Fountain
Town Fountain
We're saving a place for him
We're saving a place for him
ATM Tussi
ATM Tussi
Pianu di Roma
Pianu di Roma
Capu al Manganu
Capu al Manganu
Yellow bird
Yellow bird
Toward Calacuccia
Toward Calacuccia
Bird on rock
Bird on rock
Punta Licciola
Punta Licciola
Base camp
Base camp
Forêt Domaniale d'Aitone
Forêt Domaniale d'Aitone
Three Real Pigs
Three Real Pigs
Gorges de Spelunca
Gorges de Spelunca
Gorges de Spelunca
Gorges de Spelunca
Capu d'Ota
Capu d'Ota
Les Calanches
Les Calanches
Les Calanches
Les Calanches
Les Calanches
Les Calanches
Les Calanches
Les Calanches
Les Calanches
Les Calanches