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Dave Beedon | all galleries >> Railroads >> Railroads: Cane Creek Branch >> Seven Mile > Problematic crossing (5 of 5)
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18-APR-2006 Dave Beedon

Problematic crossing (5 of 5)

Seven Mile (10 miles [16 km] northwest of Moab, Utah) view map

Looking east toward US 191 and Arches National park.
No train is coming, yet the warning devices are operating.

The warning lights were flashing and the warning bell clanging as if a train were approaching, but there was no train. At first I thought it was a momentary anomaly, but the lights and the bell keep working without purpose. I reported the problemto the Union Pacific Railroad's grade crossing hotline.


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Guest 24-Jun-2006 07:09
them dang ghost trains
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