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romy ocon | all galleries >> Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos) >> My Favorites >> Grebes and Cormorants > KZ2L1590-1200x900.jpg
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Great Cormorant

Scientific name - Phalacrocorax carbo

Habitat - Rare, found along the coast, and inland waters and marshes.

[1DM2 + 500 f4 L IS + Canon 1.4x TC, 475B/3421 support]

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/1600s f/7.1 at 700.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Leny M 19-Dec-2007 08:49
It seems laying territorial claim on the swamp like what other animals do when they find a new place.
Guest 19-Dec-2007 02:14
This is the canadian army bomber
Bob D. Kaufman19-Dec-2007 02:09
Killer shot! v
propjerry 18-Dec-2007 22:49
This is a winner!
Ali Majdfar18-Dec-2007 14:33
Superb! ~V
csmallari18-Dec-2007 14:30
WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!! That's some kind of something !!!! Is that bird urinating or making poo poo ? Maybe it thinks it's a jet plane so it made a trail of smoke coming from behind ;-D Wonderfully excellent - supercalifragilisticexpialidocious shot Romy !!!!! vooottteeedddd !!!
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