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romy ocon | all galleries >> Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos) >> My Favorites >> Flaming, Metallic-winged, Handsome and Crimson Sunbirds, and Spiderhunters > Lovely Sunbird (Handsome S.)
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Lovely Sunbird (Handsome S.)

Lovely Sunbird (male)

Scientific name - Aethopyga shelleyi

Habitat - Common in cultivated areas, thickets, forest and edge below 2000 m.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
steve 23-Jun-2004 21:57
Not too wild a guess. I had refrained from pronouncing until I could check it out further, but I would say that you are right on this. An aside: There is now a growing tendency to consider the larger race shelleyi as a separate species ranging on Palawan and Balabac and calling it Aethopyga shelleyi (monotypic)- Lovely Sunbird. Following this view, this bird, from Luzon, would be the split species Aethopyga bella minuta - Handsome Sunbird.
romy ocon23-Jun-2004 21:07
My wild guess - Lovely Sunbird (Aethopyga shelleyi), a Philippine endemic, probably a male of the minuta subspecies. I invite correction on this, please.
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