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Indigo-banded Kingfisher

Some HD footage of this rarely filmed kingfisher found only in the Philippines.

Common name : Indigo-banded Kingfisher
Scientific name: Alcedo cyanopecta (a Philippine endemic, female)
Habitat: Restricted to clear fresh water streams up to at least 1500 m.
Total length: 141 mm.


Tiaong, Quezon province, Philippines, March 20, 2009, Canon 5D2 + 1600 mm + Sennheiser MKE 400 mic, Manfrotto 475B/3421 support, available light, 1920x1080 capture processed and resized to 1280x720.

Special thanks to Carmela B. of Villa Escudero for the support during filming.

other sizes: original auto
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