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romy ocon | all galleries >> Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos) >> My Favorites >> Curlews, Whimbrels and Godwits > KZ2L0693-1200x900.jpg
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Black-tailed Godwit (with breast barring - breeding plumage)

Scientific name - Limosa limosa

Habitat - Rare to uncommon along coast on mud, sand and exposed coral flats, and also ricefields.

[CANDABA WETLANDS, PAMPANGA, 1DM2 + 500 f4 L IS, 475B tripod/ 3421 gimbal head]

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/1250s f/4.5 at 500.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
romy ocon30-Jul-2008 08:32
Wow.... that makes it a lifer for me then..... thanks for the correction, Tim!
Tim Fisher 30-Jul-2008 08:18
Hi Romy

These birds appear to be Black-tailed Godwits and not Grey-tailed Tattlers.You may have seen the distinct black tail with white base. You can just make out the white wingbars. A good record for Candaba.
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