RMO76578-1500x1000.jpgRed-keeled Flowerpecker (Dicaeum australe, a Philippine endemic)
Habitat - Canopy of forest, edge and flowering trees.
Shooting info - Bued River, Rosario, La Union, Philippines, October 29, 2015, Canon 7D + 400 2.8 IS + Canon 2x TC II, 800 mm, f/5.6, ISO 640, 1/250 sec,
475B/516 support, manual exposure in available light, uncropped full frame resized to 1500x1000. |
 RMO76455-1500x1000.jpgWhite-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis, resident)
Habitat - Clearings, along large streams and rivers, and in open country.
Shooting info - Bued River, Rosario, La Union, Philippines, October 22, 2015, 7D + 400 2.8 IS + 2x TC II,
800 mm, f/5.6, ISO 320, manual exposure in available light, 475B/3421 support, uncropped full frame resized to 1500x1000. |
 RMO76568-1500x1000.jpgBrown Shrike (Lanius cristatus, migrant)
Habitat - Common in all habitats at all elevations.
Shooting Info - Bued River, Rosario, La Union, Philippines, October 28, 2015, 7D + 400 2.8 L IS + 2x TC II,
f/5.6, ISO 320, 1/160 sec, 475B/516 support, manual exposure in available light, near full frame resized to 1500x1000. |
 RMO58659-1500x1000.jpgRed-keeled Flowerpecker (Dicaeum australe, a Philippine endemic)
Habitat - Canopy of forest, edge and flowering trees.
Shooting info - Bued River, Rosario, La Union, Philippines, October 29, 2015, Canon 5D MIII + 400 2.8 IS + Canon 2x TC II, 800 mm, f/5.6, ISO 640, 1/200 sec,
475B/516 support, manual exposure in available light, near full frame resized to 1500x1000. |
 RMO58638-1575x1050.jpgRed-keeled Flowerpecker (Dicaeum australe, a Philippine endemic)
Habitat - Canopy of forest, edge and flowering trees.
Shooting info - Bued River, Rosario, La Union, Philippines, October 29, 2015, Canon 5D MIII + 400 2.8 IS + Canon 2x TC II, 800 mm, f/5.6, ISO 640, 1/250 sec,
475B/516 support, manual exposure in available light, near full frame resized to 1500x1000. |