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Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites
Romy Ocon's BirdBlog

Welcome to my avian galleries, among the largest collections ever of Philippine wild birds imaged in natural habitat by an individual photographer.
I'm color-blind, but that doesn't prevent me from engaging passionately in this pursuit. I hope you'll have many minutes of enjoyment viewing the images.
Bird List - 283 species as of February 3, 2023, including 72 Philippine endemics, and over 4500 images online.

Visit the net's premier forum on Philippine Bird Photography.

All rights reserved. All photos are copyrighted and cannot be used without written permission. © 2004-2024 Romy Ocon.
Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos)
Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos)
Wild Birds of the Philippines  (HD Video)
Wild Birds of the Philippines (HD Video)
Macros and Astros
Macros and Astros
Equipment Tests and Other Photos
Equipment Tests and Other Photos
About the Photographer
About the Photographer