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7th March 2004 - I held it in my hand!

Today’s posting is my 366th posting in this daily journal. Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of the start of my photo diary and as we’ve had a leap year this year, I’ve done 366 now not 365.

It’s a nice quirk of fate that the weather here has been very changeable all day. This morning when I went to do the feeding and let out the hens it was snowing, later we went out to stock up on animal fodder and there was torrential rain and sleet, later again I have been in a gloriously sunny garden planting and doing some pottering and then later again, as I was clearing up my garden stuff, it started to rain and this rainbow appeared framing the blossom on our damson trees really nicely.

Given that just over a week ago I was talking about trying to find my dream and ‘holding the rainbow in my hand’ I thought this was a perfect pic of the day.

I’m going back to work tomorrow after an exciting and wonderful week in Cornwall and I will be some way closer to really realising that dream (for now it’s still too fragile to be certain of). We have a solicitor to instruct, a survey to arrange and other exciting stuff. We have a thousand and one plans. We have found a place that can sell us a second-hand Rayburn at less than the cost of a new boiler and cooker so that now seems as though it can be real too. What a week.

It’s nice to be doing something a bit ‘normal’ today though and I’ve loved pottering with Sherri the hen. She’s a great garden companion.

I feel strange, it’s as though so many endings and beginnings are all happening at once – the house and the diary are obviously important ones!

I feel good.

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wpmadden10-Mar-2004 00:00
congratulations on your year of PaD Linda!!!

This is a very clean shot, contrasting colors of plants
on both sides and perfect rainbow

It has been awesome watching your pictures for at least
the 8 months we have been at it

Some days are tough and gruff, and difficult to find
energy or subject for PaD
But that is life, cannot have the good w/o the bad
brother_mark09-Mar-2004 03:07
Congrats on your PotD diary anniversary. So no more photos, huh? :( You caught this rainbow at it's peak.
Chris Brooker08-Mar-2004 15:44
Well done Linda, both for your first year (trust David to pick a short one) and your exquisite capture of the beauty of English weather.

I wonder what you will be typing this time next year?
Guest 08-Mar-2004 14:54
Lovely photo! I bet you feel as though you've found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow now!
sarah 08-Mar-2004 12:12
Linda and David: Congratulations to you both. It sounds so exciting, and the area is just so beautiful!

Linda I cant wait to hear all when we next meet up!
Guest 08-Mar-2004 01:49
Ooh, this is definitely some shot, Linda. The fact that there're trees nicely inside of the two sides of the rainbow makes it just so much perfect.
Elizabeth Glass08-Mar-2004 01:43
Yes, happy anniversery! Gorgeous shot!
Lara S07-Mar-2004 23:45
Indeed happy pbase anniversary. I hope you do continue to journal. I am enjoying it and you are definitely inspiring me. Gorgeous moment by the way.
Guest 07-Mar-2004 23:21
Happy PBASE Anniversary!! Thanks for this superb rainbow shot.
John Buffin07-Mar-2004 21:59
That's a great rainbow shot!
Guest 07-Mar-2004 21:34
This is wonderful!! I just can't wait to find the ending (and new beginning) of your beautiful saga!! :oD
Pall Gudjonsson07-Mar-2004 21:00
Happy anniversary Linda !!!
Hope this goergous picture is a sign of coming days for you, David, Rosie and Archie
Ian Chappell07-Mar-2004 19:56
Ooooh So glad the Rainbow Vibes finally materialised and so very pleased for the both of you.
Ray :)07-Mar-2004 19:18
The 'big man' must have been shining on you, Linda. Fate indeed!
I think Cornwall is just out of shot here, just behind those trees, centre-right!
Thanks for a year in pictures and prose.
gary becker07-Mar-2004 19:08
Guest 07-Mar-2004 19:04
Happy PBASE Anniversary!! No one deserves a rainbow more than you do!! You have kept me entertained and intruiged with your stories since I started this project! You have made me laugh and cry so many times!!! HUGE hug to you!!
Jill07-Mar-2004 18:30
Laughing here right now with the feeling of joy at knowing and seeing proof that you found it afterall.