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Linda A | all galleries >> Galleries >> Every Day I Write My Book - 2004 diary > 27th February 2004 - trepidation, fear and hope
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27th February 2004 - trepidation, fear and hope

Today has started off sunny with bright blue sky but very, very cold. So cold that when I tried to fill the hens’ reservoir of water before we left for Cornwall, the hosepipe was frozen solid!

With a full car, a high expectation and a great deal of fear, Rosie, Archie, David and I set off to follow our dream.

What a strange day it turned into. Before we had passed through Wiltshire we were driving through sunlight glinting on snow. Snow everywhere. It’s nearly March and yet the countryside is completely blanketed in the white stuff.

Our route passes through some pretty high places, Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor are high and beautiful. Cornwall is our most mild county – so mild the gardens there can grow palms and other tropical plants with relative ease. It rarely snows there yet today there is so much of it.

We finally pass through the snow as we approach the coast at Indian Queens. On arrival at our cottage we have a quick chat with Penny and David (the owners of the cottage) and then head for the beach to run off some dog energy. The scenery is spectacular. A forbidding sky, intense cold and a bitter wind howls across the beach and into the dunes. Somehow though it never matters how cold it is here, even the strongest winds just blow away your cares and the cobwebs that normally fill your mind.

I love it here.

David is concerned. He tells me he is worried that I will be devastated if we can’t fulfil our dream but that I must be prepared for that because we must only go for it if we feel it is absolutely right for us.

I am concerned too. I want this so much that I know I set myself up to be crushed. I know if we fail to find our rainbow that I will go home inconsolable.

Walking back from the beach, the sky starts to throw its load at us. Starting with tiny particles of snow, they increase in size and density and within half an hour of arriving back in our cottage the whole valley is white. It’s magical and it’s ours – at least for the moment.

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Ian Clowes27-Feb-2005 19:12
You're so brave to share such raw thoughts..... so pleased it worked out so well! Not so sure about the Stone Roses though!
northstar3727-Feb-2005 18:00
I remember this! It was very exciting!
Chris Brooker07-Mar-2004 12:50
Looks very dramatic.
Well captured.
Guest 07-Mar-2004 12:18
WOW! I wish I'd been there with you! I thought about you and willed you to succeed with your quest! Love Little Sis XX
Guest 06-Mar-2004 20:43
ohmygosh, what a great picture. I'm wishing SO much right now, that I could be just there. I love the white surf - it's like a line of light along the edge of the sand.

I remember being in Cornwall on holiday one February. It snowed the day after we arrived, real blizzardy stuff, a horrible day, but the next day dawned bright and blueskyed, everywhere blanketed in white. Stunningly beautiful. It had all gone by evening, melted by the sun. Two days later, I was able to paddle in the sea. Cornwall, don't you just love it?
robin statfeld06-Mar-2004 11:34
Gorgeous image!
I await the rest of your story and sincerely hope you find what you're looking for. But in any case, you're already winners because you took that step to look : )
Ray :)06-Mar-2004 00:16
You've showed us some pretty special stuff over the past 14 months, but this is rather spectacular. And your dog running in the corner gives the perfect touch.
Make your Dream happen :-)
Guest 05-Mar-2004 23:59
This is beautiful. I want to see and hear more.
northstar3705-Mar-2004 23:18
A beautiful sky! Good Luck, hope you manage to move there :-)
Guest 05-Mar-2004 21:02
Girl... you sure know how to spin a tale!

I've been awaiting your return and am hoping that you found that which you searched for or found peace in the hunt.

Beautiful picture!
Guest 05-Mar-2004 20:57
Hanging on here as well. Wonderful blue sky.
Jeff Gegner05-Mar-2004 20:52
wonderful, and full of mystery. If you have the chance to live your dream you have to take it. If you don't, you will always wonder if you should have.
Jill05-Mar-2004 20:50
Tears of joy at viewing this spectacular magical place through your eyes.
I have had you on my mind all day today. Thank you for sharing this image, so beautiful.
brother_mark05-Mar-2004 20:47
Okay Linda, I can't take it any more!! I wanna know what you're thinking of doing? Selling everything, buying a cottage (far away) and running a B&B? Living off the land? The complete opposite? The suspense, and I've been suspended for a few weeks now, is killing me. Are you going to make us "live" through each day of this trip? Suspense mounting? What a story-teller!

Awesome sky!
Guest 05-Mar-2004 20:43
Sensational sky and beautiful wide composition. I'm so intrigued by your story - my heart is racing at the hopes that you and David find your dream.