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A moment of calm in an otherwise hectic day

It's my Mummy's birthday today. To celebrate, we hosted a birthday lunch for the family. I was up at 7am (and hung over) cooking for nine people, including the fussiest man in the world (Dad)....he thinks rice can only be served as a pudding and pasta is inedible!

So, as a vegetarian I have two stock dishes for them and I alternate between the two - Beef and Oyster Stout pie or fish pie - today it was fish pie. I've never tasted it but I am told by people I trust that it's good - Tuna, Cod, Salmon and Smoked Haddock in a white sauce with capers, mustard and hard-boiled egg, topped with flaky pastry. I also had to cater for the three of us veggies (Me, David and my sister, Jan) and Jan & Simon's two little boys, one of whom was having a bit of a day...if you get my drift!

I worked like a galley slave for six hours preparing the meal, including chocolate mousse ice cream (very sexy indeed), it was demolished over a three-hour leisurely lunch and at twenty past eight I'm still full!!!

With dogs flying round everywhere - children and the whole Alstead family together it was not possible to expect any kind of tranquillity so the camera lies indeed as this pic looks like a nice, calm day whereas the truth is that chaos reigns behind me!

Canon PowerShot G3
1/125s f/4.0 at 20.7mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 08-Sep-2003 21:21
Thanks for a lovely day Big Sis! I think you were very tactful about our eldest son... he was being a completely spoilt little brat for the first couple of hours! Oh well, he redeemed himself in the end, and became his usual cheery self! At least we only have to suffer this behaviour a couple of times a year... so many parents have to go through it every day!
Anyway, you were very patient, and that smile fixed firmly on your face was appreciated (but not as much as the chocolate mousse ice-cream... yum, yum!!)