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Linda A | all galleries >> Galleries >> Linda's Photo Diary for 2003 > Archie tries unsuccessfully to help...
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26th March 2003

Archie tries unsuccessfully to help...

Archie and Rosie generally stay on the patio area near the house - after removing our lawn completely in 1999/2000 when we first had them by charging round like mad things all the time. Today, for a special treat, they were allowed to come with us while we worked. Archie decided to help but just kept getting in the way....still better that than terrorizing birds or conducting endless border patrols to keep the neighbours dogs at bay.

Note the vastly bigger rubble tip - we thought about hiring a tipper truck and delivering it to Alton, back to the Walsh's who caused us all this trouble in the first place....hmmmm - now there's an idea.

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