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Coastal Scenes

The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.

- Jacques Cousteau
Cold Front
Cold Front
Mar Chiquita
Mar Chiquita
Over the cliff
Over the cliff
The L Shaped jetty
The L Shaped jetty
Storm passing
Storm passing
Vega Baja
Vega Baja
Sea Swells
Sea Swells
High surf and Venus Band
High surf and Venus Band
Southeast Coast
Southeast Coast
Buried in the sand
Buried in the sand
Sardinera splash
Sardinera splash
Rising tide
Rising tide
Red cliff
Red cliff
Last shot of 2014
Last shot of 2014
Silks on the edge
Silks on the edge
Storm surf
Storm surf
A splash & a rainbow
A splash & a rainbow
Coastal scene
Coastal scene
North Coast surf
North Coast surf
Boiling point
Boiling point
Rocks and silks
Rocks and silks
Morrillo II
Morrillo II
Morrillo sunrise
Morrillo sunrise
Rising flow
Rising flow
High surf II
High surf II
Crashing waves
Crashing waves
Coastal surge
Coastal surge
Stairway to the mist
Stairway to the mist
Rising tide
Rising tide
Cueva del Indio
Cueva del Indio