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RALPH ELDRIDGE | all galleries >> Galleries >> NATURE NB PHOTOS > 012 MIGRANTS
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May 24, 2011 Rae


Machias Seal Island, Gulf of Maine

Migration drop-out during the early morning hours of May 24,2011.
Composed mostly of warblers, this typical migrant night flight also included other species.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II ,Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 L IS USM
Canon Speedlite 580EX flash @ high speed sync. full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Claude 11-May-2012 21:14
Super merci les photographes et merci LA NATURE
Diane 11-Jul-2011 01:39
Incredible How fragile they are after their long flight

I think of all the cats running loose at nite It makes me shiver to think of all the birds that all killed after their long flight
Guest 29-Jun-2011 20:36
Thank you for posting these they are amazing
Guest 07-Jun-2011 01:01
So beautiful, every last one! Thank you so much for sharing things like this that most of us will never see in person.
Guest 06-Jun-2011 21:19
Like the "good old days" used to be. We become poorer by the decade. Bittersweet to remember how things used to be.
arctictern2 03-Jun-2011 17:11
Monte 03-Jun-2011 13:14
Fantastic! Makes me want to run down to the Texas coastline! Thanks!!
Guest 03-Jun-2011 01:11
Just amazing! Wondrous photos. Many thanks for sharing!
guest 02-Jun-2011 21:51
wowza!! I saw several birds in the close photos that are on my lifer "need" list and one or two I got this year. Thabks for Sharing. I've experianced the Normal fall outs but that is just amazing. Thanks.
Bob Pitzer 02-Jun-2011 14:57
Wow! If we see a flock of 15-20 migrants here in St. Louis, we think it's a big one! Thanks, Ralph for an amazing group of pictures.
Priscilla Wilson 01-Jun-2011 21:27
We saw a big fall out in the Dry Tortugas National Park several years ago. I thought it was really an amazing sight. This is much more amazing. What a trip those little guys have to make.
Guest 01-Jun-2011 18:44
Wow! This is incredible. I wonder how many were lost at sea?
Guest 01-Jun-2011 18:06
Incredible photo record of a migratory fallout. Never have experienced one myself. Thank you for sharing. Though I wish I was there, still go outside and find this action on a much smaller basis :-) Life is beautiful and wondrous...
Guest 01-Jun-2011 17:58
Amazing. Thanks for sharing--I've read many accounts of this kind of thing historically, but never saw it documented so nicely! I've bookmarked this page and am forwarding it to friends. Many thanks.
Paul Champlin 31-May-2011 01:21
Fantastic! Similar photos of birds on oil rigs during hurricanes. Also, makes me wonder what a marine wind farm would do to migrants that see it as a stopover.
Guest 30-May-2011 17:07
These photos really bring home to me perils of migration and what these small songbirds endure. Reading your descriptions of the birds using your body for perches further embeds the feeling of their frailty and at the same time endurance.
The Third Side30-May-2011 16:53
Not sure what I'm looking at Ralph, but from the comments, it must be pretty incredible.
Jennifer Multhopp 29-May-2011 21:09
Ralph - Thanks so much for sharing this experience. These photographs and your words will stay with me -- what a gauntlet of adverse conditions these tiny, resilient creatures must endure to reach their destination and reproduce. Yes, these protected islands and coastal "pit stops" are vital.
surfbird0429-May-2011 18:01
Thank goodness that these warblers found a safe haven for the night. Many were not so lucky, I'd guess. great photos! amazing phenomena...migration.
Guest 29-May-2011 14:30
Stunning, simply amazing.
Charlotte Weston 29-May-2011 12:47
These pictures are unbelievable, I am a bander in Milford CT. We too experienced a "fallout" of sorts here on the 24th. (Imust add nothing compared to what you have shown us) Really wonderful Thank you for sharing them.

Sig 29-May-2011 12:24
Wow, have never seen anything like that. Thanks for sharing!
Guest 29-May-2011 12:06
This is so cool - the reason for protecting the islands to begin with.
Guest 28-May-2011 13:39
Thanks for these amazing scenes. Makes one wonder how they survive and continue on their migration - food?
GeorgeAnn Reed 28-May-2011 13:37
Ralph,your photography never ceases to amaze me, absolutely incredible. I was thrilled to see your name and photo's pop up on my facebook page through Cornell. I still Ebird and saw some "firsts" this spring, very exciting.
Steeve Miousse 28-May-2011 12:44
Incredible scene, thanks for sharing!

Guest 28-May-2011 03:58
great pictures, amazing indeed! thank you
Guest 28-May-2011 03:40
That is unbelievable-amazing fallout!
Guest 28-May-2011 02:48
Wow!! I wish I had been there!
Guest 27-May-2011 20:20
These pictures are incredible! I have never seen anything like this and I just would have never thought about migration fallout! Thank you for sharing and educating!
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