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Ronald Frazier | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Amy L. 18-Oct-2009 02:32
Hey Ron. I came across your photos on the net, and I must say, they are phenomenal. I was enthralled by each and every one. I can't wait to see more. =)
karen 10-Apr-2009 19:16
Love your photoes!
Guest 13-Jun-2007 15:48
When I get photoshop and a new camera, I'm going to model my work after you.
Lee 15-Jun-2006 21:27
great article! thnx for sharing it!
Julie Musk 24-May-2006 16:15
A friend accessed a great picture of yours, showing "Michelle standing inside a giant redwood", copyright 1996 Ronald Frazier. I am writing a book about America, from a British viewpoint (I have the wonderful opportunity of living in your country for a short while). One of my chapters talks about just how big the US is, and I mention some details about the giant redwoods. Your picture would really add to the text. I am not reproducing photos in the book but instead asking readers to visit my publisher's website, where I will post pictorial observations of America and life there. Would you grant permission for your redwood pic (and any others you feel represent America well) to appear there? I cannot afford to pay you, but would of course acknowledge you and could direct readers to your website. What do you think? Best wishes, Julie Musk 26-Apr-2006 03:49
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Guest 14-Dec-2005 05:05
Hi, Ron, Congratulations to winning the contest!! Sherie told me about it. :)

Guest 12-Oct-2004 14:38
Ronald, very impressive work, especially the Paris gallery, makes me feel like I want to go earlier to take shots. Have you been to Hungary?

szajmon (HU)
Guest 07-Oct-2004 00:21
Ron, your photos are like a box of Cracker Jacks...every box has a surprise.
Wayne T. Fisk
Guest 18-Jun-2004 03:58
Ronald, a wonderful gallery! I've bookmarked it for future review. I'm busy with wedding photos. :)