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Atrophaneura dasarada barata (The Great Windmill) |
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Cethosia biblis biblis (The Red Lacewing) |
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Abisara freda freda (Lesser Judy) |
Abisara fylla fylla (The Dark Judy) |
Abisara neophron chelina (The Tailed Judy) |
Acytolepis puspa gisca (The Common Hedge Blue) |
Aemona lena salweena (The White Dryad) |
Aemona lena salweena (The White Dryad) |
Amblypodia anita anita (The Purple Leaf Blue) |
Ancema blanka minturna (The Silver Royal) |
Ancema blanka minturna (The Silver Royal) |
Ancema ctesia ctesia (The Bi-spot Royal) |
Appias lalassis lalassis (The Burmese Puffin) |
Argyreus hyperbius hyperbius (Indian Fritillary) |
Argyreus hyperbius hyperbius (Indian Fritillary) |
Argyreus hyperbius hyperbius (Indian Fritillary) |
Argyreus hyperbius hyperbius (The Indian Fritillary) |
Arhopala abseus ophiala |
Arhopala alitaeus mirabella |
Arhopala centaurus nakula (Common Oakblue) |
Arhopala centaurus nakula (Common Oakblue) |
Arhopala fulla ignara (The Spotless Oakblue) |
Artogeia canidia canidia (The Indian Cabbage White) |
Artogeia canidia canidia (The Indian Cabbage White) |
Artogeia canidia canidia (The Indian Cabbage White) |
Artogeia napi (The Green-veined White) |
Artogeia napi (The Green-veined White) |
Athyma asura asura (The Studded Sergeant) |
Athyma asura asura (The Studded Sergeant) |
Athyma cama cama (The Orange Staff Sergeant) |
Athyma cama cama (The Orange Staff Sergeant) |
Athyma nefte asita (The Color Sergeant) |
Athyma ranga obsolescens (Black Veined Sergeant) |
Athyma ranga obsolescens (Black Veined Sergeant) |
Athyma ranga obsolescens (The Black-veined Sergeant) |
Athyma ranga obsolescens (The Black-veined Sergeant) |
Athyma selenophora bahula (The Staff Sergeant) |
Athyma zeroca galaesus (The Small Sergeant) |
Atrophaneura adamsoni |
Atrophaneura adamsoni |
Atrophaneura adamsoni |
Atrophaneura adamsoni |
Atrophaneura dasarada barata (The Great Windmill) |
Atrophaneura polyeuctes polyeuctes (The Common Windmill) |
Azanus urios (The Babul Blue) |
Bibasis mahintha (The Red-brick Awlet) |
Bibasis mahintha (The Red-brick Awlet) |
Bindahara phocides phocides (The Plane) |
Meandrusa sciron aribbas (The Brown Gorgon) |
Burara harisa harisa (Common Orange Awlet) |
Butterflies |
Caleta elna noliteia (The Elbowed Pierrot) |
Caleta roxus pothus (The Straight Pierrot) |
Castalius rosimon rosimon (Common Pierrot) |
Castalius rosimon rosimon (Common Pierrot) |
Castalius rosimon rosimon (Common Pierrot) |
Castalius rosimon rosimon (The Common Pierrot) |
Castalius rosimon rosimon(The Common Pierrot) |
Catapaecilma subochrea (The Yellow Tinsel) |
Celaenorrhinus dhanada affinis (The Himalayan Yellow-banded Flat) |
Cepora iudith lea (The Orange Gull) |
Cepora nerissa dapha (The Common Gull) |
Cethosia biblis biblis (The Red Lacewing) |
Cethosia biblis biblis (The Red Lacewing) |
Cethosia biblis biblis (The Red Lacewing) |
Charaxes aristogiton |
Charaxes aristogiton aristogiton (The Scarce Tawny Rajah) |
Charaxes kahruba |
Charaxes solon sulphureus (The Black Rajah) |
Cheritra freja evansi (The Common Imperial) |
Chersonesia rahrioides (The Indian Red Maplet) |
Chersonesia rahrioides (The Indian Red Maplet) |
Common Birdwing |
Creteus cyrina cyrina (The Nonsuch Palmer) |
Ctenoptilum vasava vasava (Tawny Angle) |
Ctenoptilum vasava vasava (Tawny Angle) |
Curetis acuta dentata (The Angled Sunbeam) |
Curetis acuta dentata (The Angled Sunbeam) |
Curetis bulis |
Cynitia cocytus cocytus (The Lavender Count) |
Cyrestis cocles cocles (Marbled Map) - f. cocles |
Cyrestis cocles cocles (Marbled Map) - f. earli |
Cyrestis thyodamas thyodamas (The Common Map) |
Dacalana burmana |
Danaus melanippus hegesippus (The White Tiger) |
Delias acalis pyramus (The Red-breast Jezebel) |
Delias agostina agostina (TheYellow Jezebel) |
Delias belladonna hedybia (The Hill Jezebel) |
Delias descombesi descombesi (The Red-spot Jezebel) |
Delias hyperate indica (The Painted Jezebel) |
Delias pasithoe thyra (The Red-base Jezebel) |
Discophora deo deo (Banded Duffer) |
Dodona egeon egeon (The Orange Punch) |
Dryas iulia |
Dryas iulia |
Elymnias hypermnestra meridionalis (The Common Palmfly) |
Elymnias hypermnestra tinctoria (Common Palmfly) - male |
Elymnias vasudeva burmensis (The Jezebel Palmfly) |
Elymnias vasudeva burmensis (The Jezebel Palmfly) |
Elymnias vasudeva burmensis (The Jezebel Palmfly) |
Erites angularis angularis |
Euchrysops cnejus cnejus (Gram Blue) |
Euripus nyctelius nyctelius (Courtesan) |
Euripus nyctelius nyctelius (The Courtesan) |
Euripus nyctelius nyctelius (The Courtesan) |
Euripus nyctelius nyctelius (The Courtesan) |
Euripus nyctelius nyctelius (The Courtesan) |
Euthalia phemius phemius (The White-edged Blue Baron) |
Euthlia dunya dunya (The Great Marguis) |
Eylmnias hypermnestra meridionalis (The Common Palmfly) |
Gerosis bhagava bhagava (The common White Flat) |
Gerosis sinica narada (The Extensive White Flat) |
Graphium agamemnon agamemnon (The Tailed Jay) |
Graphium aristeus (Striped Swordtail) |
Graphium aristeus (Striped Swordtail) |
Graphium chironides chironides (The Veined Jay) |
Graphium megarus megapenthes (Spotted Zebra) |
Graphium xenocles (The Great Zebra) |
Graphium xenocles (The Great Zebra) |
Gray Tinsel (Catapaecilma major emas) |
Halpe zola |
Halpe zola |
Harsora proxissima siamica (The Siamese Awl) |
Hasora malayana (The White-banded Awl) |
Hasora vitta |
Hebomoia glaucippe glaucippe (The Great Orange Tip) |
Hebomoia glaucippe glaucippe (The Great Orange Tip) |
Heliophorus evanta (The Dusky Sapphire) |
Heliophorus evanta (The Dusky Sapphire) |
Heliophorus evanta (The Dusky Sapphire) |
Heliophorus indicus (The Indian Purple Sapphire) |
Heliophorus indicus (The Indian Purple Sapphire) |
Herona marathus marathus (The Yellow Pasha) |
Herona marathus marathus (The Yellow Pasha) |
Hestina nama nama (The Circe) |
Hestina nama nama (The Circe) |
Hestina persimilis persimilis (The Siren) |
Hestina persimilis persimilis (The Siren) |
Hyarotis adrastus praba (Tree Flitter) |
Hypolycaena erylus (Common Tit) |
Hypolycaena erylus (Common Tit) |
Hypolycaena erylus himavantus (The Common Tit) |
Hypolycaena otona otona (The Orchid Tit) |
Hypolycaena otona otona (The Orchid Tit) |
Ixias pyrene verna (The Yellow Orange Tip) |
Ixias pyrene yunnanensis (Yellow Orange Tip) |
Junonia hierta hierta (The Yellow Pansy) |
Junonia hierta hierta (Yellow Pansy) |
Junonia hierta hierta (Yellow Pansy) |
Junonia lemonias lemonias (The lemon Pansy) |
Kallima inachus siamensis (Indian Leaf Butterfly) |
Kallima inachus siamensis (Indian Leaf Butterfly) |
Kallima inachus siamensis (The Orange Oakleaf) |
Kallima inachus siamensis (The Orange Oakleaf) |
Kallima inachus siamensis (The Orange Oakleaf) |
Kallima inachus siamensis (The Orange Oakleaf) |
Kaniska canace canace (The Blue Admiral) |
Kaniska canace canace (The Blue Admiral) |
Lamproptera meges virescens(Green Dragontail) |
Lamproptera meges virescens(Green Dragontail) |
Lamproptera meges virescens(Green Dragontail) |
Laringa horsfieldi glaucescens (The Banded Dandy) |
Laringa horsfieldi glaucescens (The Banded Dandy) |
Laringa horsfieldi glaucescens (The Banded Dandy) |
Leptotes plinius(The Zebra Blue) |
Leptotes plinius(The Zebra Blue) |
Leptotes plinius(The Zebra Blue) |
Lethe confusa confusa (The Banded Treebrown) |
Lethe dura dura (The Scarce Lilacfork) |
Lethe gulnihal peguana (Dull Forrester) |
Lethe gulnihal peguana (Dull Forrester) |
Lethe gulnihal peguana (The Dull Forester) |
Lethe verma stenopa (The Straight Treebrown) |
Lexias dirtea bontouxi (The Black-tip Archduke) |
Lexias pardalis jadeitina (The Common Archduke) |
Libythea myrrha hecura (The Club Beak) |
Libythea narina rohini (White-spot Beak) |
Lobocla liliana liliana (Marbled Flat) |
Loxura atymnus atymnus ( The Yamfly) |
Loxura atymnus atymnus (The Yamfly) |
Mahathala ameria ameria (Falcate Oakblue) |
Mahathala ameria ameria (Falcate Oakblue) |
Melanitis leda leda (The Common Evening Brown) |
Melanitis leda leda (The Common Evening Brown) |
Melanitis leda leda (The Common Evening Brown) |
Melanitis phedima abdullae (The Dark Evening Brown) |
Miletus croton |
Miletus croton croton (Plain Brownie) |
Miletus croton croton (Plain Brownie) |
Mimathyma ambica miranda (The Indian Purple Emperor) |
Mimathyma ambica miranda (The Indian Purple Emperor) |
Mimathyma ambica miranda (The Indian Purple Emperor) |
Mycalesis adamsoni (The Watson's Bushbrown) |
Nacaduba angusta albida (The White Fourline Blue) |
Nacaduba pactolus continentalis |
Neope muirheadi bhima (Black Spotted Labyrinth) |
Neope muirheadi bhima (Black Spotted Labyrinth) |
Neorina crishna archaica (The Tailed Yellow Owl) |
Neorina crishna archaica (The Tailed Yellow Owl) |
Neptis nata gononata (Sullied Brown Sailor) |
Niphanda asialis (The White-banded Pierrot) |
Notocrypta curvifascia curvifascia (The Restricted Demon) |
Ochus subvittatus subvittatus (The Tiger Hopper) |
Odontoptilum angulatum (Chestnut Angle) |
Odontoptilum angulatum angulatum (Chestnut Angle) |
Onryza siamica |
Orsotriaena medus medus dsf. |
Pachilopta aristolochiae (Common Rose) |
Paduca fasciata fasciata (Forester).jpg |
Paduca fasciata fasciata(the Little Banded Yeoman) |
Papilio alcmenor alcmenor (The Redbreast) |
Papilio alcmenor alcmenor (The Redbreast) |
Papilio alcmenor alcmenor (The Redbreast) |
Papilio alcmenor alcmenor (The Redbreast) |
Papilio alcmenor alcmenor (The Redbreast) |
Papilio alcmenor alcmenor (The Redbreast) |
Papilio alcmenor alcmenor (The Redbreast) f.leucocelis |
Papilio alcmenor alcmenor (The Redbreast) f.leucocelis |
Papilio alcmenor alcmenor (The Redbreast) f.leucocelis |
Papilio castor mahadeva (Burmese Raven) |
Papilio nephelus chaon (The Black and White Helen) |
Papilio paris paris (Paris Peacock) |
Papilio paris paris (Paris Peacock) |
Papilio paris paris (Paris Peacock) |
Papilio paris paris (Paris Peacock) |
Papilio paris paris (Paris Peacock) |
Papilio prexaspes pitmani (Lesser Helen or Banded Mormon) |
Papilio protenor Cramer (Spangle) |
Parantica sita, ssp., (Chestnut Tiger) |
Parnara bada bada |
Parthenos sylvia apicalis (The Clipper) |
Pelopidas assamensis (The Great Swift) |
Pelopidas assamensis (The Great Swift) |
Penthema darlisa melema (The Blue Kaiser) |
Penthema darlisa melema (The Blue Kaiser) |
Penthema darlisa melema (The Blue Kaiser) |
Penthema darlisa melema (The Blue Kaiser) |
Penthema darlisa melema (The Blue Kaiser) |
Pithecops corvus corvus (The Forest Quaker) |
Polyura arja arja (The Pallid Nawab) |
Polyura athamas athamas (The Common Nawab) |
Polyura dolon grandis (The Stately Nawab) |
Polyura eudamippus peninsularis (The Great Nawab) |
Polyura eudamippus nigrobasalis (The Great Nawab) |
Polyura eudamippus nigrobasalis (The Great Nawab) |
Polyura eudamippus peninsularis (The Great Nawab) |
Polyura jalysus jalysus (The Indian Yellow Nawab) |
Polyura nepenthes nepenthes (The Shan Nawab) |
Prioneris thestylis thestylis (Spotted Sawtooth) |
Prosotas aluta coelestis (The Barred Lineblue) |
Prosotas nora superdates (Common Line-Blue) |
Prothoe franck ssp. (Blue Begum) |
Pseudergolis wedah wedah (The Tabby) |
Pseudocoladenia dan fabia (The Fulvous Flat) |
Pseudocoladenia dan fabia (The Fulvous Flat) |
Rapala sp |
Rapala suffusa suffusa (The Suffused Flash) |
Remelana jangala (Chocalate Royal) |
Remelana jangala ravata (Chocolate Royal) |
Rohana parisatis pseudosiamensis (Siamese Black Prince) - Male |
Rohana parisatis siamensis (The Siamese Black Prince) |
Rohana parisatis siamensis (The Siamese Black Prince) |
Sephisa chandra chandra (Eastern Courtier) |
Sephisa chandra chandra (Eastern Courtier) |
Seseria strigata (The Evans's White Flat) |
Sovia albipecta (The Silver-breast Ace) |
Spindasis lohita senama (Long-banded Silverline) |
Spindasis lohita senama(Long-banded Silverline) |
Spindasis syama terana (Club Silverline) |
Spindasis syama terana(Club Silverline) |
Stibochiona nicea subucula (The Popinjay) |
Stichophtalma louisa mathilda (The Oriental Junglequeen) |
Stichophtalma louisa mathilda (The Oriental Junglequeen) |
Sumalia daraxa daraxa (The Green Commodore) |
Symbrenthia lilaea lilaea (The Common Jester) |
Symbrenthia lilaea lilaea (The Common Jester) |
Symbrenthia lilaea lilaea (The Common Jester) |
Symbrenthia lilaea luciana (The Common Jester) |
Symbrenthia lilaea luciana (The Common Jester) |
Tagiades gana meetana |
Tagiades gana meetana (The large Snow Flat) |
Tanaecia julii xiphiones (Common Earl) - Female |
Tanaecia julii xiphiones (Common Earl) - Male |
Teinopalpus imperialis imperatrix (Kaiser-I-Hind) |
Terinos clarissa falcata (The Malayan Assyrian) |
Thamala marciana (Cardinal) |
Thaumantis diores diores (The Jungleglory) |
Thauria lathyi gabrieli (The Siam Jungleglory) |
Thauria lathyi gabrieli (The Siam Jungleglory) |
Thoressa masoni |
Ticherra acte acte (Blue Imperial) |
Tirumala limniace limniace (The Broad Blue Tiger) |
Tirumala septentrionis septentrionis (Dark Blue Tiger) - Male |
Tongeia ion ssp. (The Black-spotted Cupid) |
Tongeia potanini potanini (The Dark Cupid) |
Udara dilecta dilecta (Pale Hedge Blue) |
Udara dilecta dilecta (Pale Hedge Blue) |
Udara dilecta dilecta (Pale Hedge Blue) |
Udara dilecta dilecta (Pale Hedge Blue) |
Udara dilecta dilecta (Pale Hedge Blue) |
Unkana ambasa attina (The Hoary Palmer) |
Unkana ambasa attina (The Hoary Palmer) |
Vagrans sinha sinha (The Vagrant) |
Vagrans sinha sinha (The Vagrant) |
Vagrans sinha sinha (The Vagrant) |
Vindula erota erota (Common Cruiser) |
Vindula erota erota (Common Cruiser) |
Vindula erota erota (Common Cruiser) |
Ypthima baldus baldus dsf. Buff ground |
Ypthima watsoni watsoni (The Watson's Looped Threering) |
Zemeros flegyas allica (The Common Punchinello) |
Zemeros flegyas allica (The Common Punchinello) |
Zemeros flegyas allica (The Common Punchinello) |
temp Thailand