The picture was taken immediately after running 100-mile race in 19 hours and 42 minutes. That's a lot of toe beating! My 2 big toenails were removed several years ago now. I still think it was the best thing I've done, so worth the temporary pain and, for me, the rather long recovery.
I can paint them, yes, but usually do not. My feet are so beat up in general from running that I just don't care so much about looks. Personally, I am not interested in fake toenails. That is just not my style and that would greatly interfere with my running.
Functionally, the outcome was wonderful. And I don't think they look so bad!
I would definitely do it again if I had to (but don't since they are gone for good!)
They NEVER give me any trouble. Still, if I stub my toe or drop something on the toe nail bed, it hurts more than when the nail was there. Guess that makes sense though. A small price to pay (for my being a clutz) for the benefit of not having painful ingrown toenails ever again.
I so appreciate everybody visiting this album and all the fascinating comments. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this album would become quite a forum for others to discuss their toes. Pretty cool!
Best of luck to everybody!