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everybody's happy

Canon PowerShot S400
1/60s f/2.8 at 7.4mm with Flash full exif

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Steven 23-May-2015 17:23
I have tried just about every topical to get rid of toe fungus over the years, including Jublia. I've, reluctantly, tried Lamisil(Terbinafine) to no affect also. I've had this fungus since my time in the Military, early 90's. I am considering doing what Ted Williams have done because they are all black, yellow, and disfigured. The fungus' been living there for over 20 years so I don't think it's going away without terminating it with extreme prejudice. I hope Ted sees this comment because I'd like an idea of how much removing "10" toenails cost.
Lio 22-Dec-2014 01:39
Wish I could find a doctor like this to solve this nail fungi problem that has been disturbing me for a very long time now
Ted Williams 28-Aug-2011 19:49
Enjoyed looking at your very well documented nail removal. I just had all TEN toenails removed three days ago (due to years of fungus from tree farming in the '80's) and am so happy I did. They put me "under" for the 60 minute procedure, added acid so they won't grow back, and I awoke with no pain whatsoever. Now three days later I'm walking around the house with no pain, but I hurry back to bed so I can get meals in bed while I can (grin). Am changing the 10 bandaids twice daily...with a liberal coating of Neosporin under the bandaid. You were one brave girl to do it while watching!! Ted (still a runner at 73), Orlando.