Jet, Shannon and me at the pre-race meeting |
 Dr. Jeff Lynn from Slippery Rock University - medical |
 Selling race shirts at the pre-race meeting |
 the medical talk |
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 the medical team gathers after the pre-race meeting - Dave Heckman |
 Woofie |
 Vanessa and Dave - JUST MARRIED three days ago! A Death Valley honeymoon. |
 Tim practices the iSTAT machine |
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 Chris Frost |
 2008 Medical Team planning for tomorrow, race day |
 dawn at the Badwater basin |
 getting ready for the 6 am starters |
 racers gather at the Badwater sign |
 then move to the start line |
 busy |
 count down |
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 Jeff |
 6 am runners are off |
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 Lemonade? NOT! U of Montana researchers gathering samples at the start |
 8 am runners start to gather |
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 Phil Rosenstein |
 he had a thoracotomy a few months ago for complications of pneumonia |
 Mary Gorski and her crew |
 weighing in |
 Elizabeth |
 8 am runners gather at the sign |
 Heck-a-rad and Jeff |
 medical research - University of Montana |
 pre-race weights |
 to the start line |
 Anita Fromm |
 8 am start line |
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 Lisa and Dave Bursler. He was on my crew last year. This year he's crewing Phil. |
 Ferg Hawke |
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 Anna Bolden center |
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 Dr. Ben Jones center |
 National Anthem |
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 Chris Kostman and Scott |
 Don Meyer and Anna |
 Anna and me |
 Dave is a goof |
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 research tent |
 Brent explains the study to the media |
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 8 am runners are off! |
 Jamie Huneycutt and Megan Dell - medical |
 Jeff |
 snooze when you can - it's gonna be a long journey across the desert |
 sea level sign |
 quiet before the 10 am starters |
 here they are |
 pre-race weigh in |
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 10 am starters |
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 Jorge |
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 Chris Kostman |
 Jamie Donaldson & Jorge Pacheco - both will win! |
 Gus and Bob from Drymax |
 gathering at the start |
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 Akos and Goggins |
 the last wave (10 am runners) is off! |
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 checking status of the runners at Furnace Creek, the first time station |
 Tim Englund - medical |
 Phil at Furnace Creek |
 here comes Jorge into FC, mile 17 |
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 Jorge |
 Akos passes through FC next |
 Akos |
 David Goggins comes through FC |
 Goggins in third |
 Dean Karnazes |
 Tim & Dave - FC medical HQ. Yep, it's our hotel room. |
 Jamie and Vanessa |
 Jeff |
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 Karen Hoffman |
 DK |
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 Mary Gorski and pacer Scott |
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 crew Bonnie and Stephanie |
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 mile 34 on the course, 101 more to go! |
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 Jorge still in the lead |
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 Akos Konya trailing Jorge |
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 Mary approaching |
 Mary & Scott |
 Bonnie & Stephanie |
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 Jorge |
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 Akos |
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 Dave Heckman and Jeff Lynn - tired at the SPW medical HQ |
 crew casualty |
 Lorie Hutchison rubs the Budda belly at the Stovepipe Wells medical HQ |
 Dan Jensen fixes up his limb and gets back out on the course |
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 Panamint is flash flooded from the rains |
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 Dr. Brent Ruby and his research gang at Panamint Springs, mile 73 on the course |
 view on the way up the Whitney Portal Road |
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 Jorge |
 long road back from Whitney |
 the Whitney portal road, the final13-mile steep climb to the finish line |
 and his crew |
 setting up the finish line |
 Ben Jones and I play "dualing cameras" |
 Moeben Sleeves rock!!! A proud sponsor of Badwater |
 Shannon Farar-Grieffer, maker of Moeben Sleeves |
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 Hugh's dog |
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 Jorge Pacheco and his crew approach first |
 Jorge and his crew are first |
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 Jorge |
 Jorge |
 Jorge |
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 Jorge |
 Shannon and Jorge |
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 Akos approaches the finish line - 2nd place |
 Akos |
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 Akos |
 tired - we've been working for almost 24 hours straight so far |
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 Christine, Art Webb, me after the race. |
 Tim |
 setting up the finish line |
 crew awaits their runner |
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 cross near Owens Lake |
 Baby Lorenza 1874 |
 toys and small treasures are left for her by strangers |
 Lorenza's view |
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 we give her some peppermint candies |
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 Chris Frost and Steve Teal about mile 100 |
 Scott Weber takes a break on his way to his 12th Badwater finish |
 sunset - the second one of the race |
 Mary Gorski and Stephanie Astell |
 toward the horizon |
 Tim |
 Mary's crew - Nikki Seger and Scott Jacaway |
 David Jones is back on the course and is looking mighty good |
 Dan Jensen, Vietnam veteran and amputee is climbing the last 13-mile stretch up Mt. Whitney. |
 and Ray Sanchez too overcame his dehydration and is finishing very strong |
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 table dancing before the post-race party |
 ZombieRunner store |
 Lorie finished 8th overall in 31:17 - must've been the Budda belly! |
 post race pizza party |
 Megan and Jamie |
 Phil and his crew |
 Elizabeth |
 John Radich |
 Jamie's first place speech |
 girls - Jamie, Megan, Anna, Lisa |
 Ray Sanchez finished in 37:54 after a few hours down receiving medical care at SPW |
 Jeff |
 Woofie |
 The medical Team's job is done! All the runners finished safely. |
 Megan strikes a pose |
 Jeff shouldn't even try to balance |
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 Jamie & Jeff |
 Heck-a-rad |
 Lisa & Woofie (I'm standing on a curb) |
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 Poosa, Keith Kostman, Dan Dominy and his wife |
 Megan and Tim are done |
 Don is done |
 ZombieRunners still working |
 Art gets an idea |
 no, no, no Art! |
 oh so pretty! |
 one of the girls he is! |
 Tim & David Jones |
 David's feet |
 Lisa & David Jones |
 David and Pallie Jones |
 Some of the med team go for a run |
 Zombies still working |
 Jay Hodde, Cory and Jonathan Gunderson |
 Keith Kostman |
 Poosa and Meg |
 Oh dear! |
 Jack Dennis with his wife Meg's purse, tries to walk a line. |
 Brazil team |
 handsome boys in the pool at Lone Pine |
 selecting a cigar at the post-post-race party by the pool. |
 Nikki offers one to Tim who takes it |
 This is how Mary recovered from her race |
 Bonnie & Scott telling stories |
 Jay & Cory |
 Jay |
 Lisa offers Cory his first "Nicaraguan" |
 he accepts! |
 Mary needs some rest so she can climb the mountain first thing in the morning |
 John Radich (finished the race in 38:09) is also going up the mountain |
 Up Mt. Whitney Thursday morning - Bonnie, Scott, Steph, Tim, Mary, Nikki, Lisa |
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 pack out yer poop! |
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 Mary's warrior cry |
 Lisa responds |
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 very little snow on the mountain this year |
 Scott - Badwater veteran |
 Mary - now a Badwater veteran |
 Bonnie - Badwater veteran |
 Nikki - Badwater veteran |
 Stephanie - Badwater crew veteran. Will she run the race? |
 Tim |
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 the altitude must be getting to me |
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 it's getting cold! |
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 watch your step! |
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 the saddle - thousands of feet down on either side |
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 Finally, the summit hut |
 me and Stephanie |
 me and Tim |
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 sign on the hut |
 Whew! |
 Hail and very cold! |
 Steph |
 Lisa Smith-Batchen ran from Vegas to Badwater, ran the race, and sumitted the mountain! The 508 is next for her. |
 Mary on the decent at Trail Camp, 12,000 feet |
 Stephanie finally puts on some long pants |
 Scott |
 Nikki |
 Bonnie in her colorful tights |
 Nikki totes out her "8-pound alien baby" |
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 Nancy Shura crewing for Danny Westergaard as he doubles back from the finish line back to Badwater |
 and here he is - Danny Westergaard looking strong! |
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 Anita Fromm's crew....and here comes Anita as she too doubles back to Badwater! |
 She set a record to the summit of Whitney (from Badwater) |
 the "don't get too close because I'm running in 100 degree heat" hug |
 Anita Fromm |