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John Barreiro | profile | all galleries >> Romania >> My Favorite Day in Romania tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

My Favorite Day in Romania

On May 7, 2014, I made a side trip out of Sighișoara. I had a plan to travel southeast to see the villages of Saschiz and Viscri. Both are among the seven villages list by UNESCO as Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania. The day before I had visited Biertan; another of the seven.The stop in Criţ turned out to be a most pleasant surprise.

On returning to Sighișoara, I explored the area north of the river, found a new path to the citadel and ended the day with a dinner expansive views of the small city.

Route Map
Route Map
:: Saschiz ::
Criţ - A Happy Surprise
:: Criţ - A Happy Surprise ::
:: Viscri ::