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larose forest photos | all galleries >> INSECTS (INSECTA) (28 Galleries) >> Moth Caterpillars >> Prominent Caterpillars (Family: Notodontidae) 7895 - 8011 > Western furcula moth caterpillar (Furcula occidentalis), #7939
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27-Sep-2019 Christine Hanrahan

Western furcula moth caterpillar (Furcula occidentalis), #7939

Larose Forest

Feeding on scrub willow along a forest road.

Panasonic DMC-FZ2000
1/80s f/2.8 at 8.8mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dennis Hoyne01-Oct-2019 02:51
A neat image, he really blends in well.
Stephanie30-Sep-2019 22:29
Interesting caterpillar shape. Great capture Christine! V
Terry Sprague30-Sep-2019 18:46
Amazing looking creature! Nicely photographed too!
joseantonio30-Sep-2019 18:38
nice capture in that pose.V.
Blandine Mangin30-Sep-2019 16:56
joli coup d’œil ! v
barbarajoy30-Sep-2019 16:45
Wonderful find. Such amazing camouflage! V
Don Mottershead30-Sep-2019 16:30
Wow, that is effective camo!
Isabel Cutler30-Sep-2019 16:23
What incredible camouflage. I had to read your caption to know what to look for! V.
bill friedlander30-Sep-2019 16:18
So well camouflaged, looks part of the scenery. V
Walter Otto Koenig30-Sep-2019 15:19
Another amazing find with these colros and markings. "V"
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