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Paul Dudley's Recent Galleries

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13-Sep-2024 14:43
Nine new pictures and links
Nine new pictures and links
13-Sep-2024 14:36
Retford House
Retford House
16-Aug-2024 01:42
03-Aug-2024 09:58
Birds I have met – one picture of each
Birds I have met – one picture of each
26-Jul-2024 05:02
Signs and Wonders
Signs and Wonders
13-Jul-2024 12:14
A Collection of Ceilings
A Collection of Ceilings
14-May-2024 01:16
Anasaphilia – a love of ducks
Anasaphilia – a love of ducks
04-Sep-2023 14:15
Japanese Garden, Auburn
Japanese Garden, Auburn
04-Sep-2023 14:02
Parramatta River  and Cockatoo Island
Parramatta River and Cockatoo Island
26-Aug-2023 04:20
Beaches, Coasts and Rocks
Beaches, Coasts and Rocks
24-Aug-2023 10:43
Lakes, rivers, birds and quiet places
Lakes, rivers, birds and quiet places
24-Aug-2023 10:21
Mountain, Forest and Waterfall
Mountain, Forest and Waterfall