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Paul Dudley | profile | all galleries >> 22 Overseas Trips >> Paris 1992 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

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Paris 1992

I had a few days in Paris in 1992, near the end of an extended trip with my stepdaughter. The trip included five weeks driving around Britain, taking lots of photographs, but I don't have them because our luggage ( including 17 rolls of exposed film) was stolen at Calais by a group of teenagers. Fourteen years later, I'm putting the Paris pictures here for the sake of a bit more oblectation. If anybody remembers finding an old plastic bag containing seventeen rolls of film, probably stashed under a tree in the park near the Calais railway station please tell me; that might involve even more oblectation.
Basilique du Sacré Coeur
Basilique du Sacré Coeur
View from Sacré Coeur Basilica
View from Sacré Coeur Basilica
Interior, Basilique du Sacré Coeur
Interior, Basilique du Sacré Coeur
Notre Dame Cathedral
Notre Dame Cathedral
Street Crossing
Street Crossing
Please, what's this building?
Please, what's this building?
Inside the entrance to Vincennes
Inside the entrance to Vincennes
Vincennes: Chapel
Vincennes: Chapel
Stepdaughter emerging from imprisonment
Stepdaughter emerging from imprisonment
Vincennes: Keep
Vincennes: Keep
Photographer contemplating imprisonment
Photographer contemplating imprisonment
Vincennes Castle
Vincennes Castle
A courtyard at Vincennes
A courtyard at Vincennes
At Vincennes
At Vincennes