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Fall leaf studies

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/250s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ken Zaret05-Jan-2008 17:28
These leaf images have very little photoshopping. The red is the natural fluorescence of the leaf, enhanced by having late afternoon sun shine directly through the back of the leaf, with the camera facing the leaf's front. Spot metering on the leaf and low aperture causes the background to black out and blur, allowing you to capture maximum detail and color. Also I use tripods (one to hold leaf, one for camera), a remote shutter release, and shoot in RAW format.
Treas05-Jan-2008 07:09
Leaves are beautiful but how do you make them soooo beautiful? Red is red but how do you make red soooo red?
I would love to know.
Guest 13-Nov-2007 19:51
Such sriking colors, backgrownd and derail. Love the backlighting too.
Paul Chan02-Nov-2007 22:06
Excellent backlight,texture of the leaf and dark background.
Guest 30-Oct-2007 14:15
Wow, this is fantastic. Great backlighting, I love the fine detail in the leaf and the vibrant color that contrasts the background perfectly. Voted and well deserved, thanks for sharing this with the rest of us.
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