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alone with cell phone, Tokyo Metro

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/50s f/4.5 at 50.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 15-Jun-2013 11:36
Japanese women have the best legs.
blizzard09-May-2008 13:09
captured in a classic new paper style
big vote
Marisa Livet14-Jan-2008 17:12
Very well composed, nearly a symbolic image of modern Japan oddly captured in a moment of loneliness, without any crowded atmosphere.
evan 04-Dec-2007 00:18
great shot dad 2nd fav
Yves Rubin07-Jul-2007 00:21
Very much what Japan is about. Great shot!
Guest 14-Apr-2007 14:00
Many things make this work: the darkness in the tunnel, the passing train on the other side, the kanji script above her, the incredibly strong diagonal of the platform. Most of all, what we focus upon: the spotless trench coat, her large bag, the dark hose and her heels. She is someone we cannot know, but we know she is pretty and takes pains to be thought so. In short, we are presented with a puzzle, quite like Sherlock Holmes, we might or might not solve. Absolutely brilliant work here. The viewer has room to insert so many things. Voted, of course.
Fred Relaix07-Apr-2007 16:32
Beautiful picture full of mystery!
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