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votives in the Notre Dame Cathedral

Canon EOS 30D
1/100s f/6.3 at 48.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Gary Hudes20-Feb-2010 23:14
Wonderfully elegant composition. V
Thomas04-Jul-2008 21:00
what a beautiful composition! V
XiaoBernard9917-Dec-2007 11:07
well done KEN ,I know this type ,of pict yours is really well done.V.
John Stevenson14-Aug-2007 05:50
Beautiful image! I took one like this... needless to say yours is far better.
Guest 16-Jul-2007 02:19
Beautiful picture.
Tom Briggs03-Jul-2007 22:20
Excellent ... looks they're floating in a black sea.
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